What is the main idea of the " Wild Entertainment" section?


Answer 1



where is the information?

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This is an essay I had to write for an exam, I tried to make it as long as I could using one of those generators to fit the standards, it was difficult. can someone revise it for me and tell me if there's anything wrong with it?

It was a breezy yet warm midsummer day on July twenty-fifth 2012, and I essentially was more than yare to relish my summer with my friends. Ash, my (now non binary) friend, was going to be having a birthday beach party at the shores approximately 3 hours away that day. I particularly was genuinely exhilarated in a pretty big way.

I had to get ready within two hours, take a shower, fine-tune my hair, brush my teeth, get one of my bathing suits, and ascertain I had a good amount of sunscreen on. I'm jumbling attempting to get things done as quickly as possible afore we depart from our house, apparel on the floor scattered like broken glass, which is quite significant to what was about to happen.

I'm running like lightning, then, I tripped on some shoes laying around Flat on my face, hard enough to cause the ground to crack. My mother rushes in to visually perceive if I'm okay, and what all the noise was about. She optically canvassed my face, and her ocular perceivers widened, horrified as if she visually perceived a ghost.

I particularly asked her what was erroneous, and she optically canvassed me shocked, I conscientiously brushed the sort of blonde hair out of my face as she still for all intents and purposes had the horrified look on hers. I kind of abstracted my hand from my mouth to later optically actually discern blood on my fingers. I licked around my mouth to for all intents and purposes feel an immensely colossal gap where my fairly canine teeth used to be a minute ago and particularly felt a sharp pain in my gums in a subtle, yet excruciating way.


My mom verbalizes, "Oh honey, you lost your baby teeth!" she exclaimed, but I wasn't as happy as she was, I had a party to generally go to in twenty minutes in a fairly major way, and my gums were gushing blood! I didn't want my friends to visually perceive my missing teeth and laugh at me, which is fairly significant. So, I obnubilated in my room and told my mom I didn't wish to go at all anymore. She reassured me, kindly telling me that's BS, and verbally expressed they'd celebrate I'm delicately comely, particularly contrary to my personal belief.

I didn't believe her at first, but, after a couple of minutes of optically canvassing my reflection as my mother ran to find her car keys, I mostly commenced to celebrate. Maybe it wasn't so deplorable, sort of contrary to my past belief. We then went to the dentists, to then get the leftover broken teeth removed from my gums. After a couple of hours, we decided to go despite my missing teeth, and the fact we were super late.


mum for the most part was right, contrary to my personal belief. Most everyone didn't care. The next day, I got ridiculed intensely, but marginally. It wasn't proximately as deplorable as I mentally conceived it would be, or so they thought. I now actually like my teeth.



It's all correct.....I think...After i read that Looooooong passage i feel it's all corect.

HELLLPPP MEEEEE PLSSSS BRANLIEST ANSWER WILL BE AWAREDED Prepare a report on how is solar energy used in scientific experiments.




Our primary source of clean, abundant energy is the sun. The sun deposits 120,000 TW of

radiation on the surface of the Earth, far exceeding human needs even in the most aggressive

energy demand scenarios. The sun is Earth’s natural power source, driving the circulation of

global wind and ocean currents, the cycle of water evaporation and condensation that creates

rivers and lakes, and the biological cycles of photosynthesis and life. Covering 0.16% of the land

on Earth with 10% efficient solar conversion systems would provide 20 TW of power, nearly

twice the world’s consumption rate of fossil energy and the equivalent 20,000 1-GWe nuclear

fission plants. These comparisons illustrate the impressive magnitude of the solar resource,

providing an energy stream far more potent than present-day human technology can achieve.

All routes for utilizing solar energy exploit the functional steps of capture, conversion, and

storage. The sun’s energy arrives on Earth as radiation distributed across the color spectrum

from infrared to ultraviolet. The energy of this radiation must be captured as excited electronhole pairs in a semiconductor, a dye, or a chromophore, or as heat in a thermal storage medium.

Excited electrons and holes can be tapped off for immediate conversion to electrical power, or

transferred to biological or chemical molecules for conversion to fuel. Natural photosynthesis

produces fuel in the form of sugars and other carbohydrates derived from the reduction of CO2 in

the atmosphere and used to power the growth of plants. The plants themselves become available as biomass for combustion as primary fuels or for conversion in reactors to secondary fuels like

liquid ethanol or gaseous carbon monoxide, methane, and hydrogen. We are now learning to

mimic the natural photosynthetic process in the laboratory using artificial molecular assemblies,

where the excited electrons and holes can drive chemical reactions to produce fuels that link to

our existing energy networks. Atmospheric CO2 can be reduced to ethanol or methane, or water

can be split to create hydrogen. These fuels are the storage media for solar energy, bridging the

natural day-night, winter-summer, and cloudy-sunny cycles of solar radiation.

In addition to electric and chemical conversion routes, solar radiation can be converted to heat

energy. Solar concentrators focus sunlight collected over a large area to a line or spot where heat

is collected in an absorber. Temperatures as high as 3,000°C can be generated to drive chemical

reactions, or heat can be collected at lower temperatures and transferred to a thermal storage

medium like water for distributed space heating or steam to drive an engine. Effective storage of

solar energy as heat requires developing thermal storage media that accumulate heat efficiently

during sunny periods and release heat slowly during dark or cloudy periods. Heat is one of the

most versatile forms of energy, the common link in nearly all our energy networks. Solar thermal

conversion can replace much of the heat now supplied by fossil fuel.

Although many routes use solar energy to produce electricity, fuel, and heat, none are currently

competitive with fossil fuels for a combination of cost, reliability, and performance. Solar

electricity from photovoltaics is too costly, by factors of 5–10, to compete with fossil-derived

electricity, and is too costly by factors of 25–50 to compete with fossil fuel as a primary energy

source. Solar fuels in the form of biomass produce electricity and heat at costs that are within

range of fossil fuels, but their production capacity is limited. The low efficiency with which they

convert sunlight to stored energy means large land areas are required. To produce the full 13 TW

of power used by the planet, nearly all the arable land on Earth would need to be planted with

switchgrass, the fastest-growing energy crop. Artificial photosynthetic systems are promising

routes for converting solar energy to fuels, but they are still in the laboratory stage where the

principles of their assembly and functionality are being explored. Solar thermal systems provide

the lowest-cost solar electricity at the present time, but require large areas in the Sun Belt and

breakthroughs in materials to become economically competitive with fossil energy as a primary

energy source. While solar energy has enormous promise as a clean, abundant, economical

energy source, it presents formidable basic research challenges in designing materials and in

understanding the electronic and molecular basis of capture, conversion, and storage before its

promise can be realized.


Hope this is useful! Have a amazing day! God Bless you!!!

Find the subject in the following sentence: I watched Star Wars on May 4th.



Star Wars


What is pollination?
en of


That doesn’t make sense

Question 3 of 5 please tell me rn plz
Eliza had been jealous of her performing partner, Star, ever since they
were teenagers. Star thought that she was the better magician, even
though it was perfectly clear that she was the main attraction of the
magic show only because of her remarkable beauty, not her talent.
Which statement best describes how the conflict helps make the story
O A. Eliza's burning jealousy creates drama, which is suspenseful.
O B. Eliza's coming realization that she is second best to Star creates a
sense of sadness.
O C. The reader knows that Eliza will accept her place as second best,
which is satisfying.
OD. A moralesson about the superiority of beauty over talent will
eventually be revealed.





The answer is A. Eliza's burning jealously creates drama, which is suspenseful.


please help me please will give brainliest ​



all three questions would be yes!!!!

explain by means of an example your understanding of corruption​



Dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involves bribery

Which of these sentences is punctuated correctly?
The part-time job begins Saturday, November 21 and ends Saturday, January 2.
The part-time job begins Saturday, November 21, and ends Saturday, January 2.
The part-time job, begins Saturday, November 21, and ends Saturday, January 2.
The part-time job begins Saturday, November 21, and ends Saturday January 2.





The part-time job begins Saturday, November 21, and ends Saturday, January 2.

Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad and The People Could Fly: American Black Folktales are similar, yet different. The first is an historical account of slavery in American history. The second is a fictional portrayal of the same topic or theme. Compare and contrast the two texts. Introduce your topic with a clear thesis statement. Then, organize and support your writing with specific evidence from both texts. Use transitions to show relationships among your ideas, and provide a conclusion that summarizes your main points.



what is it that you need help with exactly?


**don't worry, i'll go back and actually answer it**


Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad and The People Could Fly: American Black Folktales are similar, yet different. The first is an historical account of slavery in American history. The second is a fictional portrayal of the same topic or theme. Compare and contrast the two texts. Introduce your topic with a clear thesis statement. Then, organize and support your writing with specific evidence from both texts. Use transitions to show relationships among your ideas, and provide a conclusion that summarizes your main points.

will be marked brainliest ​



Honesty and forgiveness are important

Tomas and Ms Guzman became friends

The window gets fixed

Ms Guzman forgives Tomas.


Ms. Guzman forgives Tomas.
The window gets fixed.
Tomás and Ms. Guzman become friends.
Honesty and forgiveness are important.

Why would a group (like the Nazi's) choose to use a symbol that represented health as their representation for national purity?



I can't write that well, but here's my personal answer.

Groups that seek national purity, such as the Nazis, want to maintain the purity of their population based on race, ethnicity, gender, etc.

For example, the Nazis sought racial purity- they wanted to keep the German people as pure "Germans," they did not want to have the Jews contaminating their pure German population.

In a sense, the Nazis saw the Jews as a disease that needed to be eliminated. The Jewish genes would mix with the German genes and pollute the entire population. It was for the sake of "health" to kill the Jews.

To achieve "national purity," a group similar to the Nazis would likely eliminate other groups to remove their genes from the overall human gene pool. In a way, such actions are for the sake of health.

I mean, if we killed all the elderly, disabled, and genetically defective people in the world, wouldn't the world be a better place? Their genes will not be able to affect other people, right? Theoretically, yes...

...but on so many moral, ethical, and physical levels, so much no.

Why would they use a health symbol for their representation of national purity? These groups try to use the premise of "health" as an excuse for their horrible ideals of national purity. They believe that national purity is what determines the "health" of the individual and of human society. It's the idea that the purer you are, the more healthy you are. I can't stress this enough: wrong on so many levels.

Groups like the Nazis use health symbols to show that national purity is, in some demented form, a measurement of someone's health. They kill other people because these individuals are a disease that needs to be eradicated. Their impurity contaminates the purity of the whole.

Got a bit off track, but I think you get the idea. Hope this helps!

Given Bob's attitude toward nature, his love of animals, and his previous life being enslaved, would it be difficult to justify chasing and capturing wild mustangs? EXPLAIN YOUR POSITION



Milan made 60 cupcakes for a bake sale. She sold 2/3 of them and gave 3/4 of the remaining cupcakes to the students helping at the bake sale. How many cookies did she have left. Show your work and explain your thinking.

PL HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[1]Nothing that comes from the desert expresses its extremes better than the unhappy growth of the
tree yuccas. Tormented, thin forests of it stalk drearily in the high mesas, particularly in that
triangular slip that fans out eastward from the meeting of the Sierras and coastwise hills. The
yucca bristles with bayonet-pointed leaves, dull green, growing shaggy with age like an old
[5] man's tangled gray beard, tipped with panicles of foul, greenish blooms. After its death, which is
slow, the ghostly hollow network of its woody skeleton, with hardly power to rot, makes even
the moonlight fearful. But it isnÕt always this way. Before the yucca has come to flower, while
yet its bloom is a luxurious, creamy, cone-shaped bud of the size of a small cabbage, full of
sugary sap, the Indians twist it deftly out of its fence of daggers and roast the prize for their
[10] own delectation.
Why does the author use the words "bayonet-pointed" (line 4) and "fence of daggers" (line 9) to describe the leaves of the yucca tree?

To create an image of the sharp edges of the plant
To emphasize how beautiful the plant's leaves are
To explain when and where the plant grows
To show how afraid the author is of the plant



To communicate how rare it is to find the bloom.


What are three ways you can incorporate information from your research into your speech?



There are several types of supporting material that you can pull from the sources you find during the research process to add to your speech. They include examples, explanations, statistics, analogies, testimony, and visual aids.


what does appearance vs reality mean



Appearance is how something looks (how some appears). It’s the conclusions you are able to draw simply by just looking at something/someone. But appearances can often lie. For example, if someone looked really nice then thats just their appearance. But after getting to know them you learn that they were actually extremely cruel(that would be reality) Reality is real and what something actual is.


which description is the best example of a Gothic story line


The best example of a gothic story line is a teenager believing his new neighbors have placed an ancient curse on him (D).

In the poem “Under the Greenwood tree “what message does the poet convey



The message conveyed through this poem is that if one wants to live a peaceful life without tensions, enemies, and problems, he should spend his life in nature, wherein he would be happy and relaxed. He should forget all his desires and rejoice in the glory of nature like a free bird.

) In this passage, what does that author mainly use to create the setting
of the story?



In the passage the author mainly uses providing information about time and place and use descriptive language.


Choose the fact from the statements below. a. Everyone should start eating kale. b. My auntie makes the most delicious pancakes. c. The sun set over the mountains. d. His tuxedo was a little too fancy for the party.



c. The sun set over the mountains.


A fact is information about something which is seen or proven to be true. It cannot be a whimsical expression or something that one wishes, but more of a known occurrence. A fact is the opposite of fiction.

Among the given statements, the only statement that is a fact is sentence c. The setting of the sun over the mountains is a known fact and also has occurred and is still occurring, with many people who have seen and enjoyed it.

On the other hand, the other statements are based on a personal expression about something or the other.

Thus, the correct answer is option c.

Question 4 (1 point) Saved
Dickon and the robin like Mary.


We need a picture in order to answer the question.

The first paragraph of a research essay is called the __________.

A) raincoat paragraph

B) umbrella paragraph

C) canopy paragraph
ill give brainliest :)


It is an umbrella paragraph

Help me with this im too s t u p i d lol



1. --> C 2. --> A.


I don't think you need an explanation since it's simple answer, but if you do then let me know.


First photo : The pronoun "we" does not have an antecedent.

Second photo : "They" is a vague pronoun.


_____ is the repetition of a stanza after every verse throughout a poem.

A. A lyric

B. A chorus

C. A rhyme

D. Alliteration



B. A chorus


How were the people treated during the Qin Period?​



In two years time, most of the empire had revolted against the new emperor, creating a constant atmosphere of rebellion and retaliation. Warlord Xiang Yu in quick succession defeated the Qin army in battle, executed the emperor, destroyed the capital and split up the empire into 18 states.


they were treated harsh


The Qin dynasty established the first empire in china. starting with efforts in 230 b.c., during which the quality n leaders engulfed six Zhou dynasty states . The empire existed . only briefly from 0221 to 206 b.c., but the in dynasty had a listing cultural impact on the dynasties the followed.

The author wants to thank his children for Merlin's voice. The author does not believe he thought of Merlin's voice on his own. The author wants the reader to listen to horned owls.


Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows:

If that voice sounds true, don't thank me. Thank that great horned owl. (Or perhaps it was not an owl after all?) And thank the children, my own and others, who have never forgotten that a good story can be true. For they understand that the power of imagination is truly the power of creation.

Which of the following thoughts is expressed implicitly in the paragraph? (10 points)

1)The author does not think that stories are real.

2)The author wants to thank his children for Merlin's voice.

3)The author does not believe he thought of Merlin's voice on his own.

4)The author wants the reader to listen to horned owls.


3) The author does not believe he thought of Merlin's voice on his own.


. When the speaker of "War Is Kind" says, "Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind," what technique is he using to make his point? F Exaggeration G Situational irony H Rhythm and rhyme J Verbal irony



J. Verbal Irony


War is Kind is a poem by Steven Crane.

The poem begins with the speaker telling a maiden not to weep -

Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind

The technique used here is verbal irony.

Verbal Irony: This is a literary technique that occurs when a speaker says something that contrasts with what he means; his actions and emotions.

Verbal irony was used on the line above.

The speaker is very much aware of the brutality and unkind nature of war but still describes war as a kind phenomenon and tells the maiden not to weep.

Which image does Walt Whitman create by repeating language in “I Hear America Singing



an image of people who are united in their joy.

Can somebody PLZ Answer this


Blue ribbon I’m pretty sure sorry if wrong

In 2019, more than 240 billion U.S. dollars were spent on advertising in the United





The answer would be true

What are types of external conflict in literature? Select three options.
character vs. society
character vs. self
character vs. nature
character vs. character
O character vs. their fatal flaw


The types of External conflict in literature are:

character vs. societycharacter vs. naturecharacter vs. character
What is External Conflict?

External conflict in literature refers to something that sets a character against something or someone else which in the short term seems beyond their control or ability to surmount the same.

External forces or conflict are situations or things that stand in the way of a character's motivations and are often a source of tension as the character tries to achieve their goals.

Learn more about external conflict at:


The three types of external conflicts in literature are character vs. society, character vs. nature, and character vs. character. Therefore, options A, C, and D are correct.

What are external conflicts?

External conflicts are conflicts that arise between a character and an external force, such as another character, society, nature, or fate. They are typically obstacles that stand in the way of a character's goals or desires. They create tension and drama in the story.

External conflicts can take many forms, including physical confrontations, verbal disagreements, social or political injustices, environmental obstacles, or supernatural forces. They may be short-lived or persistent throughout the story. They can be resolved or left unresolved by the end of the narrative. Therefore, options A, C, and D are correct.

Learn more about external conflicts, here:



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