what is the Authors point of view of the Gettysburg address


Answer 1


We need the passage


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How does Lady capuelt feel about her daughter” marital status? Answer all the question for points.




b. She rejects the match, saying “I will not marry yet; and when I do, I swear / It shall be Romeo—whom you know I hate— / Rather than Paris”

c. because  she helped her more than her real mom  She helped Juliet by finding out Romeo so she can speak to him and Juliet can marry him


please help me please will give brainliest
please read it ​



10. individuals

11. locations

12. human beings

good luck :)

hopefully, this helps

have a great day !!

Characteristics of visible​


I hope this helps my guy :)


give other person brainliest


My two best friends in college were tan Californians. All Californians must be tan!

The statement above is an example of a fallacy?






A fallacy is something decribed better than it is

In the story “First Steps,” how does Maria's act of leaving the spaceship to explore the new planet affect the story? She gains the respect of Captain Curran and the other children. It overwhelms her and she returns to the ship for safety. She encounters dangerous animals for the first time. It gives her friends the confidence to join her.




Answer: It gives her friends the confidence to join her.

Explanation: I took the test

There is no infant
this time,
only my own life swaddled
in bandages
and handed back to me
to hold in my two arms
like any new thing,
to hold to my bruised breasts
and promise
to cherish.
The smell of cut
flowers encloses this room,
insistent as anesthetic.
It is spring.
Outside the hospital window
the first leaves have opened
their shiny blades,
and a dozen new accidents
turn over in their sleep,
waiting to happen.

Please explain how she feeling and how this affected her view of the future





example of compound ideas​



Compound ideas, although derived from experience, are formed by the mind by combining simple ideas, so the mind acquires an active role in the production of such compound ideas (such as ideas of beauty, gratitude, universe, etc.).


The understanding selects several ideas, gathers and associates them and ends up synthesizing them into a compound idea of a higher level than the original ones.

The most abstract, more elaborate ideas such as the notion of beauty, eternity, infinity, etc. They are compound ideas (this always according to Locke who was the creator of the differentiation between simple ideas and complex ideas).

An example is the game of billiards: if I hit a billiard ball with the stick, I transmit energy to it, then the ball moves. In other words, a cause (hitting the billiard ball with the stick) is followed by an effect (the billiard ball moves).

What’s the central idea of the chapter 15 of the giver. Make it 5 sentences long pleaseeeee!!!!!THANKS!!!


where is the passage bc if i would’ve seen it i had the answer

odel-:9 Write a letter in about 200 words to the editor of The Rising Nepal about deforestation
in your village.
IS Maria
The Val





My village (name of village)




The editor

The Rising Nepal

It's address

Dear Sir/ Madam Editor

Subject; deforestation

With worm regards to whom it's may concern, my name is Maria a student of _______ school. I am writing this letter to draw attention to the increasing and alarming rate at which our forest are being pulled down. This action otherwise known as deforestation is the removal of trees from a particular area for a particular purpose. My village is a very small one , and the only thing that protect it especially during the rainy season is the forest which as I write you this letter is experienced a decrease. Forestation has so many advantages, such as prevention of erosion, provision of habitats for wild life, creation of tourist attractions and so much more.

However, with the removal of the little forest that our people have been preserving for years will only endanger the people. In that as forestation has its own advantages, deforestation has its own disadvantages. These includes, leaving room for erosion. As a result of deforestation the land is left bare and there are no trees to stop heavy flood waters from entering the little village. Killing and extinction of some wild life inhabitants, low cost of living and so much more.

As this is a major challenge to our village. I hereby write this letter to you so that through the medium of your newspaper we will be able to reach the necessary authorities and the necessary actions to save our forests and little village will be taken.

Yours faithfully.

*Your signature

Your full name.


Directions: Add hyphens to the following sentences.
- Equation
1. Mark moved into a two bedroom condo

2. That printer has a money back guarantee

3. These one way streets confuse me.
Add Media

4. Workers will be home mid October

5. Fifty seven years have passed.

How do you do it?



For most writers, the hyphen's primary function is the formation of certain compound terms. The hyphen is also used for word division, which is briefly explained here.

Never use a hyphen in place of an en dash or an em dash.

Compound terms

Compound terms are those that consist of more than one word but represent a single item or idea. They come in three styles.

Open (or spaced) compounds are written as separate words.

printing press

car wash

chief of staff

Hyphenated compounds use hyphens between the words.




Closed (or solid) compounds are written as a single word.




Compound nouns

Compound nouns are the easiest to deal with: most of them can be looked up in a good dictionary. Keep in mind, though, that many compound nouns start out spaced or hyphenated before eventually becoming solid, with dictionaries often lagging behind current usage.

Compound verbs

Compound verbs (e.g., waterproof, highlight, rubber-stamp, nickel-and-dime) also are typically included in a good dictionary.

Compound adjectives

The most difficult compound terms to deal with are the compound adjectives. For one thing, most of them will not be found in any dictionary. For another, whether they are hyphenated or not depends on their position within a sentence. Whether to hyphenate or not is often a matter of style. Some basic guidance is offered below. For more detailed guidance, the current (16th) edition of The Chicago Manual of Style includes a useful table of rules for all manner of compounds.

Two or more words that collectively act as an adjective should be hyphenated when they appear immediately before the noun they modify. This helps prevent misreading.

Voters are fed up with this do-nothing congress.

The victim is being described only as a twenty-five-year-old man.

Does this come with a money-back guarantee?

The house comes with a state-of-the-art security system.

Though the one-bedroom condos are sold out, we still have several two-, three-, and four-bedroom units available.

The major exception is when the compound adjective begins with an adverb ending in -ly. In that case, since a misreading is unlikely, the hyphen is unnecessary. If the -ly adverb is part of a larger compound adjective, use a hyphen.

This is a poorly produced movie.

He followed up with a not-so-poorly-produced sequel.

Forming compounds with an en dash

Certain particularly complex compounds can be formed with an en dash rather than a hyphen, as explained here.

Word division

In professionally printed material (particularly books, magazines, and newspapers), the hyphen is used to divide words between the end of one line and the beginning of the next. This allows for an evenly aligned right margin without highly variable (and distracting) word spacing. The rules for such word division are beyond the scope of this guide; they are also beyond the needs of most writers. If you are writing for a publication that requires it, the word division will be handled by the typesetter. Your word processor's default setting, which is to avoid word division at the end of each line, is appropriate for nearly all of your writing—academic, business, or personal.


What does the presence of teeth, a vestigial structure in whale sharks, tell you about the
whale shark's ancestor?



The whale shark forages for food at or near the surface of the ocean. Its large mouth is well adapted to filter feeding and contains more than 300 rows of small, pointed teeth in each jaw. Ichthyologists consider these teeth to be vestigial structures, and they do not play a role in feeding.



Emojis were first invented in Japan in the 1990s. These days, most people use Emojis. There are almost 2,000 of them! You
can find an Emoji for almost anything. They let people express ideas with pictures. They can be a lot of fun and a good way to show someone how you feel without using words. Also, they help people say what they mean with less effort, which is a good thing. Even young kids who don’t know how to read yet can understand them.

Use the RACE strategy to answer the following question, using the checklist as you write.
Why does the author think Emojis are good? Explain using reasons from the text.



The author definitely think emojis are good. The author said "They can be a lot of fun and a good way to show someone how you feel without using words." which expresses she/he likes emojis very much!

(P.S. My twin is here, so we are gonna have the same answer. Her username is eternalvanimelda27!) And I don't understand the 'race mode' means.


The author thinks emojis are good because: they are a lot of fun, they help you say what you mean, and they help little kids read. The author also states that emojis are "a good way to show someone how you feel without using words.".


This is what I wrote when I did this lesson. Does anyone know if it is: .". or ." or just ". even if the quote ends in a period??

Which textual evidence best supports the analysis that the setting develops the author's acceptance of death?



The Forest People could have killed me without fight.”



Nevertheless, as I made the raft, the tears ran out of my eyes. The Forest People could have killed me without fight, if they had come upon me then, but they did not come.

When the raft was made, I said the sayings for the dead and painted myself for death. My heart was cold as a frog and my knees like water, but the burning in my mind would not let me have peace. As I pushed the raft from the shore, I began my death song—I had the right. It was a fine song.

Which textual evidence best supports the analysis that the setting develops the author's acceptance of death?

“The Forest People could have killed me without fight.”

“the tears ran out of my eyes”

“but they did not come”

“My heart was cold as a frog”

The textual evidence that best supports the analysis that the setting develops the author's acceptance of death is "The Forest People could have killed me without fight.” because this statement described the acceptance of death by the author compare with other statement options.




because i said so brudda

*Media Literacy*
Which option exemplifies a community?
A. people committed to stopping child labor.
B. A person interested in influencing others.
C. Buying a pair of shoes on the Internet.
D. Watching a television series on Hulu


your answer is the first option, A.


B. People dedicated to stopping kids from working

Writing Workshop: Narrative Writing
hey guys so im supposed to write a writing essay.
can yall give me ideas.. on what u did if u did this assignment on edge.


Answer: you could do on the history on somthing that intrest you


Write about something that you like(basically)

Writing that tells a tale or recounts an event is referred to as narrative writing.

What is Narrative writing?

Writing that tells a tale or recounts an event is referred to as narrative writing. It is frequently used in novels, short tales, memoirs, and personal essays and can be either fictional or nonfictional. A plot or sequence of events, characters with different personalities and motivations, a setting that gives the story context, and a point of view or perspective from which the story is conveyed are the essential components of narrative writing.

Consider these suggestions for a narrative essay:

1. If you experienced a hurdle or impediment, describe how you overcame it in your essay. This might be a struggle for you personally, academically, or even physically.

2. Describe an event from your youth or childhood that stands out in your memory. This can be a trip the family took, a memorable holiday, or a momentous occasion from your background.

3. Describe a period when you took a chance and what you learned from it in your essay. You might have taken this risk in your personal or professional life.

Thus, writing which tells a tale or recounts an event is referred to as narrative writing.

Learn more about Narrative writing, here:



1. What does the phrase "like a lamb to the slaughter" mean?

2. Why is the title of the story we read last class ("Lamb to the Slaughter") ironic? (Hint: you should look up the definition of irony to be sure you can answer this question.)



New slang word.

use it and become popular.



Which sentence uses the word reaffirm incorrectly?

She wants to reaffirm the plates on the dinner table so they look better.

The candidate wants to reaffirm his commitment to the community.

The man made sure to reaffirm his interest in the company during a second interview.

My parents want to reaffirm their wedding vows for their upcoming twentieth anniversary.





Took the test

She wants to reaffirm the plates on the dinner table so they look better. Hence, option A is appropraite.

What is the meaning of Dinner?

The terms "dinner" and "supper" are both used to describe the largest meal of the day, particularly when it is consumed in the evening. Supper is frequently used to refer to a casual meal at home, whereas dinner is frequently used to refer to a more formal supper.

Lunch is most enjoyable between twelve and two o'clock. Dinner: Given that you ate lunch early, you can get hungry in the early evening. Several dieticians advise having an early meal to sate our hunger and increase metabolism. Dinner should be consumed between 6.30 and 8 o'clock.

Following World War II's hardships, and with women returning home from the workplace.

Hence, option A is correct.

Learn more about the Dinner here:



The three global marketing strategies include:



Beyond its breakdown per country or region, a global marketing strategy almost always consists of several things: (1) uniform brand names; (2) identical packaging; (3) similar products; (4) standardized advertising messages; (5) synchronized pricing; (6) coordinated product launches; and (7) harmonious sales campaigns.


Which sentence lacks parallel structure? A) I listened to music as I sat in line at the bank. B) Antonio and I enjoyed a relaxing dinner and a romantic movie. C) Sam and Charlie watered the plants, pruned the rose bushes, and mowed the lawn. D) There are three ways into the apartment building: the back door, the front door, or you could go through the second story fire escape.






They should have never used :

The rush of immigrants commonlit, anyone know the answer to this?


Answer and Explanation:

The author shows how immigrants had cultures, customs, religions and backgrounds completely different from each other. This caused some ethnic enclaves to emerge among them. In addition, many Americans did not accept the arrival of immigrants and therefore promoted numerous cases of xenophobia and prejudice.

The author also shows how immigrants had to live in places with precarious and overpopulated structures. Not to mention the abusive and poorly paid jobs that were reserved for them.

please can someone help my assignment in English​



that's so hard sorry I can't help you

1. Great Britain was invaded and settled by all of the following except
a. Romans
b. Angles and Saxons
c. Vikings
d. Normans
e. Greeks


Great Britain was invaded and settled by all of the following except Romans.

Can someone please help me write this? Respond to the following question: - What would you consider the author’s biggest takeaway from his relationship with “the other Wes Moore”? Your response should meet these requirements: - at least 100 words - includes at least 1 compound sentence - includes at least 1 complex sentence


do you have a picture

which ideas from the excerpt would be most appropriate to include in a summary? Select two options.



where is the summary and options????


where is the options



how do tally express her love for david in uglies?(in a letter)



The moment of touching makes Tally feel real and makes her love for David feel real as well. This act of touch is also an act of liberation. Tally's freedom proves short-lived when Special Circumstances finds the Smoke anyway. The Specials kill David's father and turn Shay pretty against her will.

A lot of libraries have begun using computers and technology to help people keep learning.what is a cause of this change, based on the passage?


Answer: D) The ability of the internet to help people find information quickly


The ability of the internet to help people find information quickly is a cause of this change, based on the passage. Hence, option D is correct.

What are the ability of the internet?

The capacity to connect to the Internet through computer terminals, computers, and other devices, and to access services like email and the World Wide Web, is known as internet access.

The Pew Internet Project has studied how individuals use the internet primarily for four purposes: communication, information gathering, doing personal and professional business, and entertainment.

There are billions of computers and other electronic devices connected to the Internet on a global scale. You can speak with anyone in the world, access nearly any information, and accomplish a lot more with the help of the Internet. By getting online, or connecting a computer to the Internet, you may accomplish all of these tasks.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more information about ability of the internet, click here:



Part B Question about "Washed-up Plastics Become Art With a Vital Message."

Which evidence from the text best supports the answer to Part A?

"She now has more than 70 pieces in three exhibitions currently traveling throughout the United States."

"She started making the pieces after seeing plastic heaped by the waves onto Oregon's southern coast."

"Robert and Lauryn Geosits from Mandeville, Louisiana, were visiting the aquarium with their three children."

"Huge sculptures of sea life are displayed around the aquarium and zoo in New Orleans."



Should be B


Read the dictionary entry for the word stagnation.

stagnation \ stag-ˈnā-shən \ noun: a state of inactivity or lack of growth

Based on this definition, which sentence best illustrates the use of the word stagnant?

After years of losing money, our business is finally strong and stagnant.

These exciting new classes should boost our stagnant enrollment.

Due to the heavy rain, there was no one on the stagnant beach this morning.

Bring us your stagnant clothes, and we will either donate or recycle them.


D. These exciting new classes should boost our stagnant enrollment


Yes it’s B “ These exciting new classes should boost our stagnant enrollment“


Took th test!

Can someone give me the answer or explain to me what is Trying to tell me



What the question is asking is for an explanation.


The chart is a little blurry in the picture but from what I can see, It is asking about payment systems.

A payment system is any system used to settle financial transactions through the transfer of monetary value.

So, the chart shows a "share of payment systems"

If you have any questions feel free to ask - Mark

Cash un delvery
hope this hleps :(

According to Cell Description #1, which part of the cell is responsible for the creation of carbohydrates?













7.  Endoplasmic reticulum

8. Nucleus

9. Golgi apparatus

10. Lysosome





Other Questions
Which hypothesis is directly tested in an experiment?a. One specific confounding variable hypothesis.b. All of the confounding variables hypotheses.c. The research hypothesis.d. both b and c 1. What does the phrase "like a lamb to the slaughter" mean?2. Why is the title of the story we read last class ("Lamb to the Slaughter") ironic? (Hint: you should look up the definition of irony to be sure you can answer this question.) Can someone give me the answer or explain to me what is Trying to tell me Which number from the set of numbers {3, 5, 6, 7} makes the equation TRUE?5x - 5 = 30 PLEASE HELP!! 50 POINTS!Answer the question in the picture. Whats the perimeter? A pair of sneakers that originally costs $120 is on sale for 60% off. Which of the following is true? Please do this ASAP! DUE IN 30 MINUTES Read this excerpt from "The Beautiful Girl of the Moon Tower in The People Could Fly"Ai, ai! Make of me an antThat goes where nobody knows."The ant went under the father's bed.The girl came there to her father. She asked him, "My father, where is your life?"Her father said, "Why do you ask me? It is for some bedevilment.""No, I only want to know," she said."Well," he said to her, "my life is inside the belly of a hog in my garden. Inside the hog's belly is an egg. Inside the egg is my life."The ant that was Anton had been listening, and he said, "Ai, ai! Make of me a boy."How does Manuel behave similarly in "Manuel Had a Riddle?Manuel hides from his enemies to discover their intentions.Manuel tricks his enemies with magic and cunning.Manuel defeats his enemies by destroying their lives.Manuel becomes friends with his enemys daughter. In ARST, r = 52 cm, s = 55 cm and ZT=48. Find the length of t, to the nearestcentimeter. how do tally express her love for david in uglies?(in a letter) How many grams of air are required to complete the combustion of 120 g of phosphorous to diphosphorous pentoxide, assuming the air to be 23% oxygen by mass? milk milk milk........ I bet you that I can tell you you're exact height and weight. Wanna try? Guys pls help me!!!!!! The temperature of the earth's surface during different seasons is also affected bythe passage of the sun's rays through the atmosphere.TrueFalse All the functional parts of the _______________ system are called the alimentary canal.ExcretoryDigestiveCirculatoryRespiratory Choose the sentence with a sensory detail that describes a taste.Josie's soccer game was canceled due to a fire. She hadn't understood the logic of that, since she was miles away.But, that afternoon when she went outside, she got a big mouthful of that sooty, smoky ash flavor from the fire. Josie hoped the firefighters got the fire under control soon. Why is trig like this?? B:What is the appropriate trig ratio that can be used to solve for x? C:Write the equation Which is the best explaination for how chemical energy is transferred with cells