What is full form of (IP)​


Answer 1


internet protocol?


the set of rules governing the format of data sent via the internet or local network

Related Questions

A slide titled Alexander Graham Bell. There are 6 bulleted entries on the slide, and there is a lot of text on the slide. There is very little space around the text to the edges of the slide. There is no image on the slide and the text is shaded white on a blue background.
This slide has several design problems, according to the design principles that were just reviewed. What are the problems? Check all that apply.

The slide contains too much text.
The slide does not have an image or visual aid.
The text is too small.
The background makes it hard to read the text.
The slide does not have enough empty space.



The following are design problems associated with the Alexander Graham Bell slide:

The slide contains too much text.

The slide does not have an image or visual aid.

The background makes it hard to read the text.

The slide does not have enough empty space.



It's not ABDE, it's ABE


i tried it

The IBM system/370 architecture uses a two-level memory structure and refers to the two levels as segments and pages, although the segmentation approach lacks many of the features described in Chapter 8. For the basic 370 architecture, the page size may be either 2 KB or 4 KB, and the segment size is fixed at either 64 KB or 1 MB. For the 370/XA and 370/ESA architectures, the page size is 4 KB and the segment size is 1 MB. What advantages of segmentation does this scheme lack




Introductory thought:  

Thinking about the architecture for the IBM System/370 that is fit for giving higher preparing force and more stockpiling limit since it utilizes two-level of memory structure which is known as the segments and caches and the given plan is as per the following:  

In division the address space is isolated into quantities of segments of variable sizes and then again in paging the address space is partitioned into quantities of fixed-sized units that are known as pages.It is more helpful for better utilization of memory. The fundamental architecture for the IBM system/370 architecture the size of the page are for the most part either 2KiloBytes (KB) or 4KB and the size of the segments will be changed from 64KiloBytes to 1MegaBytes.   The two dissimilar kinds of architecture that existed are 370/XA that is the Extended Architecture, also the other is 370/ESA known as the Enterprise Systems Architecture.    The page size is 4KB for the Extended variant and 1MB for the Enterprise Systems Architecture (ESA).

Advantages of segmentation that the given scheme needs to incorporate includes:

In the configuration of the architecture for IBM System/370 the segments are of a fixed size which isn't noticeable for the programmer and as such he will know the interior subtleties and subsequently inside architecture is stowed away from outside gentle.  In IBM system/370 the reference bit is zero for the processor hardware as well as at whatever point another page is stacked into the edge, the reference bit is changed to one after referring to a specific area inside the casing.  The quantity of lines of the page outline table is overseen by the Operating System and a page outline table section is moved to start with one line then onto the next depending on the length of the span of the referenced bit from the page outline which is sets to nothing. Whenever there is a need to supplant the page then the page browsed the line of the longest life non referenced edges.

(python) Given the formula for conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit
Fahrenheit = 1.8 x Celsius + 32
Write a Python program that takes as input a temperature in degrees Celsius, calculates the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, and display the result as output.



initial_temp = float(input('Celsius Temperature: '))

final_temp = (initial_temp * 1.8) + 32

print(f'{final_temp} F')

Structural Styles
Go to the Structural Styles section. Within that section create a style rule to set the background color of the browser window to rgb(151, 151, 151).
Create a style rule to set the background color of the page body to rgb(180, 180, 223) and set the body text to the font stack: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif.
Display all h1 and h2 headings with normal weight.
Create a style rule for every hypertext link nested within a navigation list that removes underlining from the text.
Create a style rule for the footer element that sets the text color to white and the background color to rgb(101, 101, 101). Set the font size to 0.8em. Horizontally center the footer text, and set the top/bottom padding space to 1 pixel.


Solution :

For Structural Styles the browser's background color.  

html {

background-color: rgb(151, 151, 151);


For creating style rule for the background color and setting the body text

body {

background-color: rgb(180,180,223);

font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;  


For displaying all the h1 as well as h2 headings with the normal weight.

h1, h2 {

font-weight: normal;


For create the style rule for all the hypertext link that is nested within the  navigation list  

nav a {

text-decoration: none;


For creating style rule for footer element which sets the color of the text to color white and the color of the background to as rgb(101, 101, 101). Also setting the font size to 0.8em. Placing the footer text to horizontally center , and setting the top/bottom of the padding space to 1 pixel.

footer {

background-color: rgb(101, 101, 101);

font-size: 0.8em;

text-align: center;

color: white;

padding: 1px 0;


/* Structural Styles At one place*/

html {

background-color: rgb(151, 151, 151);


body {

background-color: rgb(180,180,223);

font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;  


h1, h2 {

font-weight: normal;


nav a {

text-decoration: none;


footer {

background-color: rgb(101, 101, 101);

font-size: 0.8em;

text-align: center;

color: white;

padding: 1px 0;


What are folders within folders called​


it is called a subfolder????


The folder within folder are also know as subfolder .

A tactful representation of opposing views is essential when writing for the opposition. True or false


say that is it true i know

Write a full class definition for a class named GasTank , and containing the following members:
A data member named amount of type double.
A constructor that no parameters. The constructor initializes the data member amount to 0.
A function named addGas that accepts a parameter of type double . The value of the amount instance variable is increased by the value of the parameter.
A function named useGas that accepts a parameter of type double . The value of the amount data member is decreased by the value of the parameter. However, if the value of amount is decreased below 0 , amount is set to 0 .
A function named isEmpty that accepts no parameters and returns a boolean value. isEmpty returns a boolean value: true if the value of amount is less than 0.1 , and false otherwise.
A function named getGasLevel that accepts no parameters. getGasLevel returns the value of the amount data member.
class GasTank
double amount;
void addGas(double);
void useGas(double);
bool isEmpty();
double getGasLevel();
GasTank::GasTank(){amount = 0;}
void GasTank::addGas(double a){amount += a;}
void GasTank::useGas(double a){amount -= a; if (amount < 0) amount = 0; }
bool GasTank::isEmpty(){if(amount < .1) return true; else return false;}
double GasTank::getGasLevel() {return amount;}




The following class code is written in Java and includes all of the required methods as requested in the question...

package sample;

class GasTank {

   private double amount = 0;

   private double capacity;

   public GasTank(double initialAmount) {

       this.capacity = initialAmount;


   public void addGas(double addAmount) {

       this.amount += addAmount;

       if (amount > capacity) {

           amount = capacity;



   public void useGas(double subtractAmount) {

       this.amount -= subtractAmount;

       if (amount < 0) {

           amount = 0;



   public boolean isEmpty() {

       return (amount < 0.1);


   public boolean isFull() {

       return (amount > capacity - 0.1);


   public double getGasLevel() {

       return amount;


   public double fillUp() {

       double difference = capacity - amount;

       amount = capacity;

       return difference;



Which three major objects are built into the JavaScript language?
This task contains the radio buttons and checkboxes for options. The shortcut keys to perform this task are A to H and alt+1 to alt+9.

Document, Object, Model.

Canvas, Geolocation and Drag.

None, JavaScript is object-based not object-oriented.

Document, Navigator, Array.




Pretty sure, the answer is: None, JavaScript is object-based not object-oriented.

Which term is defined by the total operating current of a circuit?





what was his beliefs?


A belief is an attitude that something is the case, or that some proposition about the world is true.[1] In epistemology, philosophers use the term "belief" to refer to attitudes about the world which can be either true or false.[2] To believe something is to take it to be true; for instance, to believe that snow is white is comparable to accepting the truth of the proposition "snow is white". However, holding a belief does not require active introspection. For example, few carefully consider whether or not the sun will rise tomorrow, simply assuming that it will. Moreover, beliefs need not be occurrent (e.g. a person actively thinking "snow is white"), but can instead be dispositional (e.g. a person who if asked about the color of snow would assert "snow is white").[2]

There are various different ways that contemporary philosophers have tried to describe beliefs, including as representations of ways that the world could be (Jerry Fodor), as dispositions to act as if certain things are true (Roderick Chisholm), as interpretive schemes for making sense of someone's actions (Daniel Dennett and Donald Davidson), or as mental states that fill a particular function (Hilary Putnam).[2] Some have also attempted to offer significant revisions to our notion of belief, including eliminativists about belief who argue that there is no phenomenon in the natural world which corresponds to our folk psychological concept of belief (Paul Churchland) and formal epistemologists who aim to replace our bivalent notion of belief ("either we have a belief or we don't have a belief") with the more permissive, probabilistic notion of credence ("there is an entire spectrum of degrees of belief, not a simple dichotomy between belief and non-belief").[2][3]

Beliefs are the subject of various important philosophical debates. Notable examples include: "What is the rational way to revise one's beliefs when presented with various sorts of evidence?"; "Is the content of our beliefs entirely determined by our mental states, or do the relevant facts have any bearing on our beliefs (e.g. if I believe that I'm holding a glass of water, is the non-mental fact that water is H2O part of the content of that belief)?"; "How fine-grained or coarse-grained are our beliefs?"; and "Must it be possible for a belief to be expressible in language, or are there non-linguistic beliefs?".[2]

suppose as a head software engineer you assign the job of creating a class to a subordinate. You want to specify thirty-eight different methods in which you are willing to detail the parameters each is to receive as well as what each returns. You, however, do not have the time to create the details of each method and wish to assign that work to the subordinate. What would be your best approach to ensure that the subordinate finishes the assigned job.




Blocks that allows you to repeat scripts multiple times are



here are several methods to make a script perform an action for a set amount of ... Technically, this may not work if you have wait blocks or other blocks that take up time. ... This script uses the timer and the Repeat Until block.


an affective website design should fullfill its intended by conveying its message while simultaneosly engaging the visitors?do you agree or disagree​


Answer: True


The statement that "an effective website design ought to be able to fulfill the function that it has by passing the message across while engaging the visitor at the same time" is true.

Some of thr factors which bring about a good website design are functionality, simplicity, imagery, consistency, colours, typography. A website that's well designed and built will help in the building of trust.

what is a computer?


an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

hope this helps

What is your favorite anime ( All movies and episodes related to them count )

A. Seven Deadly Sins
B. Naruto
C. Dragon Ball
D. One piece
C. The misfit of the demon king academy
E. Classroom of the Elite



B. Naruto


Dragon ball, first saw it as a child and have been fan since

What type of role does the group leader have? Informal negative positive Formal


Just as leaders have been long studied as a part of group communication research, so too have group member roles. Group roles are more dynamic than leadership roles in that a role can be formal or informal and played by more than one group member

giving Brianlist (to the correct answers)help plesee question is what is keyboard (long paragraph)​plzz don't spam with unnecessary answers !!!!thankyouuuuuuu:)




A computer keyboard is an input device that allows a person to enter letters, numbers, and other symbols (these are called characters in a keyboard) into a computer. Using a keyboard to enter lots of data is called typing. A keyboard contains many mechanical switches or push-buttons called "keys".

my uh coding teacher would like the class to do little piggy with code.

Write code using def to create functions so that each line is printed in its own function. Turn in a gdb link so I can grade it.

This little pig went to the market.

This little pig stayed home.

This little pig had roast beef.

This little pig had none.

This little pig cried wee wee wee all the way home.

here's a example from him but i don't understand it

import time

def myFunction():

print('In the function called my function')


def yourFunction():

print('In the function called your function')



print ('In the main part of the program')



print ('Back in the main')



print ('Back in the main after your function')

please help if you can



see picture below


I added a parameter to factor out the first bit of each sentence into a global variable. If you change for example 'pig' into 'monkey', all sentences will change.

explain 3 components of the Visual Basic IDE (6 marks)​




The IDE of Visual Studio 2008 contains numerous components, and it will take you a while to explore them. It’s practically impossible to explain in a single chapter what each tool, window, and menu command does. We’ll discuss specific tools as we go along and as the topics get more and more advanced. In this section, I will go through the basic items of the IDE — the ones we’ll use in the following few chapters to build simple Windows applications.

The IDE of Visual Studio 2008 contains numerous components, and it will take you a while to explore them. It’s practically impossible to explain in a single chapter what each tool, window, and menu command does. We’ll discuss specific tools as we go along and as the topics get more and more advanced. In this section, I will go through the basic items of the IDE — the ones we’ll use in the following few chapters to build simple Windows applications.The IDE of Visual Studio 2008 contains numerous components, and it will take you a while to explore them. It’s practically impossible to explain in a single chapter what each tool, window, and menu command does. We’ll discuss specific tools as we go along and as the topics get more and more advanced. In this section, I will go through the basic items of the IDE — the ones we’ll use in the following few chapters to build simple Windows applications.

The Edit menu contains the usual editing commands. Among these commands are the Advanced command and the IntelliSense command. Both commands lead to submenus, which are discussed next. Note that these two items are visible only when you’re editing your code, and are invisible while you’re designing a form.

Given A=1101 and B=1001. What is the result of the boolean statement: A



B  (1001)


The AND operator gets you 1's where there are 1's in both inputs. So if you would "overlay" the two binary values, only 1001 remains.

The information in DNA Is coded in chemical bases adenosine (A) guanine (G) cytosine (C), and thymine (T) We can represent a DNA strand by stringing together the letters representing the appropriate strand. Imagine we are given a list of DNA strands which have arbitrary lengths. Write a single function strand_counter() which takes a list of DNA strands, counts the lengths of each of the words in the list and then calculates and returns the integer maximum_length integer minimum_length, and float average_length
Then write a program which takes in a user-chosen number of strands of arbitrary length as an input and prints out the calculated information
Example input
Example output
The longest strand has length 10.
The shortest strand has length 2.
The average length of the strands is 6.6.





i think i leard it out my old shcool

How do I create a flowchart to output numbers from n...1? We were doing loops during the classes.


I use GOxxOGLE FORMS or WxxORDS and their good to make flow charts

When did games begin to really take off?

A: when people began to live with formal laws

B: when people began to compete for limited resources

C: when people began to settle together in stable, organized communities

D: when people began to hunt nomadic animals, like buffalo


I think its b? or C? cause games didnt exist till the 90s mostly

What is Typing?
What is Economic? ​



what is typing: the action or skill of writing something by means a typewriter or computer

what is economic:a branch of knowledge concerned with production,consumption,and transfer of wealth.

how does abstraction help us write programs



Abstraction refines concepts to their core values, stripping away ideas to the fundamentals of the abstract idea. It leaves the common details of an idea. Abstractions make it easier to understand code because it concentrates on core features/actions and not on the small details.

This is only to be used for studying purposes.

Hope it helps!

A set of object that share a common structure and common behavior in database is called ​


An Object Class. Hopefully this answer is right.

What is the value of: 1 + int(3.5) / 2?
Select one:
a. 2
b. 2.25
C. 2.5
d. 3



C (2.5)


int(3.5) = 3

So, using order of operations, (3/2)+1=2.5

The value of the expression value of: 1 + int(3.5) / 2 is known to be option C, which is (2.5).

What is the expression about?

In maths, an expression is known to be the composition of numbers, functions such as addition, etc.

Note that int(3.5) = 3

Therefore, using the given order of operations, (3/2)+1


Therefore the answer =2.5 is correct.

Learn more about Expression  from



What is
Computer Security



Computer Security is the protection of computer systems and networks from information disclosure, theft of or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.



the protection of computer systems and information from theft


Use the drop-down menus to complete the statements about the recall option in Outlook 2016.

Recalling a message stops its delivery before the recipient

It only works about half the time, and it only works when recipients are in the same

Once it is recalled, the
will get a message informing them of the recalled message.

Be sure to check your message before you send it, and assume it will be read within 30
of sending the message.


Just put your username


Recalling a message stops its delivery before the recipient  

opens it.

It only works about half the time, and it only works when recipients are in the same organization


Once it is recalled, the recipient will get a message informing them of the recalled message.

Be sure to check your message before you send it, and assume it will be read within 30 seconds of sending the message.


what precautions should be taken to make a computer more secure ​



To make a computer more secure


we have following ways :

1)we should have anti virus to protect our computer.

2)we should not play or look computer for a long time because it destroy our files

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