timothy euology^^ due tommrow


Answer 1

Answer: basically what the other person did off of goo.gle

For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.

I. Introduction

In this passage of Scripture, the Apostle Paul was writing to Timothy, his son in the faith. This man who wrote most of the New Testament ended his writings with a letter to his son in the faith. He tells him in this letter that he is about to die.

Paul expected to die. He knew it was coming soon. Some deaths that we face are not expected. This makes these times very difficult. But I believe today in Jesus Christ. I believe in His Word. I believe that in a time like this, the Word of God will speak to us and bring us comfort and direction.

I think in this passage we see some things that will help us today deal with this death we are facing.

II. Paul’s Departure- vs. 6

Paul said, “the time of my departure is at hand. That word “departure is very interesting. Understanding that word will help us understand death.

A. It was a Nautical Term-

This word was used by sailors to speak of untying a ship so that it could sail. Have you ever watched a ship go over the horizon. You see it slip out of sight, but in truth that ship is still sailing even though you can’t see it. You see when a ship leaves a harbor, it will soon be entering another harbor. On this side we say goodbye, on the other side someone is saying hello!

B. It was Military Term

This word was used by the military to refer to taking down your tent in order to move to another place. The last words of Robert E. Lee were “Strike the tents.” That is just what death is, a folding up of the earthly tent in order to make a journey elsewhere.

C. It was an Agricultural Term-The word “departure” to a farmer meant the time of day when he would take the yoke off the back of his farm animals. When he laid that burden off its back, they used the word departure to describe it.

Like a ship, our loved one today is sailing toward another port. Like a camper, they have folded up their tent, like a beast of burden, they have laid off their heavy burdens.

III. Paul’s Declaration- vs. 7

A. I have fought a good fight

Life at times can be a fight! There are many battles on this side of heaven. A big key to success in the fight of life is to never quit! Our loved one has had a quite a fight through life. They learned the lesson of perserverance!

B. I have finished the race

He finished the assignment given to him by God. Speak of the tasks that the loved one completed. This was an athletic term. Paul had finished the course set before them.

C. I have kept the faith

Speak of the faithfulness of the departed loved one. We must be faithful until the end.

IV. Paul’s Destination- vs. 8

A. A Place of Revelation

At the destination point is Jesus Christ. I believe when a Christian dies, he closes his eyes in death on this side, and opens them to behold the face of Jesus on the other side! Let us remember what the Bible says about the death of a Christian.

Ps 116:15

15 Precious in the sight of the LORD

Is the death of His saints.

B. A Place of Reward

Paul said that there was laid up for him a crown of righteousness. God will reward each of his children based on their works when they arrive in heaven.

C. A Place of Reckoning

Paul called Jesus, the Righteous Judge. We will all one day give account for the lives we have lived. You don’t have to be old to die. You don’t have to be sick to die. You have to be ready to die.

V. Conclusion

A young child was diagnosed with a terminal disease. The parents knew that he would die soon. The child as well knew that his death would be soon. One night he was sitting in his mother’s lap watching television with her. He looked up into her eyes and said, “Mommy does it hurt to die?” The young mother was overcome with grief and had to leave the room for a moment to gather her emotions. She stood in the bathroom and prayed, “God what can I tell him?” She felt that the Lord gave her a word for him. She went back into the room and said, “Honey do you remember how so many times you have fallen asleep in front of the television and then the next morning you wake up in your room? Well I will tell you what happens. When you go to sleep your father comes in and with his strong arms he picks you up and carries you into your room. And then the next thing you know you wake up in your room. Well death is just like that. When you die, you fall asleep and Jesus Christ gathers you up in His strong arms and carries you to heaven. And then you wake up in another room!”

Related Questions

Vanquishing the Hungry Chinese Zombie by Claudine Gueh 1 Which statement expresses a main theme of the story? A Great friendships can be made under very unusual circumstances. B It is important to think carefully before trusting unfamiliar people. C One often has to make sacrifices in order to help one's family members. D Removing negativity from one's life can be difficult and sometimes scary.​


Answer:i had this question and i got it right B:It is important to think carefully before trusting unfamiliar people.


Vanquishing the Hungry Chinese Zombie by Claudine Gueh It is important to think carefully before trusting unfamiliar people is the main theme of the story. This theme is implied by the title of the story, which suggests a potentially dangerous situation involving a zombie. The correct option is B.

The theme of the narrative, which alludes to a potentially hazardous scenario involving a zombie, suggests this theme. The subject emphasizes the value of caution and judgment while dealing with new people or situations, as it could be harmful to trust strangers in such scenarios.

Thus, the ideal selection is option B.

Learn more about Zombie here:



They look like they are going to a wedding.
Correct the sentence (only accurate answer needed)


Answer: There doesn’t seem to be any mistakes in this sentence.



they look like they're going to a wedding


im not sure if its right

I need example sentences for these words. :)



1. Infraned:

Example: Mark was given an infraned document of how the experiment was carried out.

2. Permafrost

Example: When we got to the land, it was covered with permafrost.

3. Conduction:

Example: Due to the principle of conduction, this room had increase in temperature.

4. Convection:

Example: We will be using the principle of convection to reduce the temperature of the room.


I have been able to use the words to write out examples.

Since infraned gives an interpretation of an observation based on evidence and prior knowledge. In my example, we see that Mark was given an infraned document.

Conduction is a method of heat transfer which occurs when heat is transferred via an object. Convection refers to the type of heat transfer that occurs through a liquid medium from the hotter regions to cooler region.

The main purpose of the author in this passage is A) to advocate that more of America's energy needs be met through the use of wind power. B) to entertain the reader with amusing anecdotes about wind power research and incidents. C) to angrily denounce the lobbyists who would like to make wind power the energy of the future. D) to persuade the reader to contact his or her representative and ask them to oppose wind power



A) to advocate that more of America's energy needs be met through the use of wind power. (I believe I may be wrong)


I just did the test and got an 80% and this is the answer that makes the most sense :) have a good day/night, humans

Describe what you do in the post-reading phase and explain why this
phase is an important part of the reading process.



Explanation:. The main purpose of the post-reading phase is to check for accurate comprehension of the text. Too often students are asked to read a selection and then never get a chance to discuss the piece they have read.

The main purpose of the post-reading phase is to check for accurate comprehension of the text. Too often students are asked to read a selection and then never get a chance to discuss the piece they have read.

What is post-reading?

Post-reading activities are ones in which students summarize, reflect or question what they’ve just read. They’re ideal for building reading comprehension and there are several different activities you can do.

Post-reading strategies give learners a way to summarize, reflect, and question what they have just read. The exit slip post-reading tactic is used to help learners reflect on what they have just learned. It helps them sort out ideas and how or what they feel about the material learned. This tactic requires learners to use critical thinking, a skill that is important in today’s world. Frame routine is a class tactic that uses a graphic organizer to assist learners in organizing topics, central Ideas, and critical vital details of what they have just read.

This strategy helps learners summarize what they have learned.

Learn more about post-reading, here:



How does the poet use a literary device in line 12?

0 Flashback is used to tell the reader about previous storms.

O Foreshadowing is used to clue the reader about the brutality of the storm.

0 Alliteration is used to imitate the sound of the waves.

Onomatopoeia is used to give intensity to the action of the waves.​



what and where is line 12?

Why does the speaker use hyperbole here?






B. to show how important and powerful one's home is.

I don't know the context here, but it seems like the speaker is trying to show the importance of one's home. He is saying he would rather a welcoming little home than a mansion.

What is an example of rhyme scheme in the road not taken by Robert frost


consists of four stanzas of five lines. The rhyme scheme is ABAAB

Answer:correct abaab


Which excerpt from "Mary Cassatt: Artist and Trailblazer" best supports the idea that Cassatt blazed a trail for future female artists?

"Though women in her time had little freedom and few choices, she achieved her ambition to become a professional artist."

"More than any other person, Mary Cassatt helped introduce Americans to the work of the Impressionists."

"In Paris, Cassatt studied with successful artists. She carefully copied paintings in the Louvre."

"Her teachers admired them so much that they encouraged her to try to get them displayed in the great annual art exhibition called the Salon."



Answer should be A.



"Though women in her time had little freedom and few choices, she achieved her ambition to become a professional artist."

hope this helps


How does fake news communicate ideas to an audience?



first the reader tells to his family about the news and the family tell to their neighbors so by that the fake news will transmit

Fake news communicates ideas to an audience by playing on common knowledge and and baised views to fuel whatever the fake news is trying to spread.

An article published in a magazine about cancer treatment that was provided by a leading doctor from a cancer treatment enter would give the magazine and the article _________.

a claim

source credibility




source credibility


because the fact that a leading doctor from a cancer treatment center provided the article ....would make the magazine and article more credible

I hope this helps

Drag each tile to the correct box.
Match each term to the correct definition.


Purpose=The reason for writing a text

Audience=The intended readers of a text

Tone=The attitude the writer expresses

Style=The writers way of using language

Myrtle's sister Catherine blamed everything on Gatsby .
False or True​


Answer:  True

Explanation:  She said that Myrtle had never seen Gatsby, That her sister was completely happy with her husband, and that Myrtle had been up to no mischief whatsoever

Mr. Miller liked to jump
From high up in the sky;
He never for a moment thought
That he could ever die.
He trusted in his parachute
But when he pulled the string,
He found his wife had moved the chute
And filled it up with things
That might have been a help to him
In any other place;
But nothing that might keep him now
From landing on his face.
So Mr. Miller closed his eyes,
And said, “Thy will be done”;
And suddenly jumping out of things
Just wasn’t that much fun.
It might have been the end of him.
Had not a hawk flew by
And plucked him with her razor claws
Right out of the blue sky.
She took him to her nest up high
And dropped him in the twigs
And Mr. Miller to this day
Can be found in these digs


1. What does Mr. Miller think can’t happen to him?

2. What happens when Mr. Miller pulls the string on his

3. Why is jumping out of things suddenly not that much fun?

4. How is Mr. Miller saved?

5. Look up the word “digs”. What does it mean in the context of
this poem?



he thought he couldn't die

his parachute didn't work

because the parachute didn't work and he was going to Land on his face

a hawk came by and plucked him with his razor claws

I'm guessing this but I think it means that certain place? sorry if it's not right :(

Which of the following would be the best choice to replace the word trash (noun) in the sentence below? Recycling cuts down on trash in landfills.

A. Scraps (noun)

B. Garbage (noun)

C. Goods (noun)

D. Pieces (noun) SUBT​


D.Pieces noun i think sorry if Wrong

1. What does the narrator, Squeaky, value as her two greatest traits (qualities)? Provide at least one quote as support.


Answer and Explanation:

Squeaky is the narrator in the short story "Raymond's Run", by Toni Cade Bambara. She is a confident young girl whose older brother, Raymond, is special.

Right in the beginning of the story, Squeaky reveals two traits she possesses of which she is proud of. First, she values her assertiveness in protecting Raymond from bullies:

"But now, if anybody has anything to say to Raymond, anything about his big head, they have to come by me. And I don't play the dozens or believe in standing around with somebody in my face doing a lot of talking."

Squeaky also values her athletic abilities. She is proud of being a fast runner, and quite a diligent one too:

"There is no track meet that I don't win the first place medal. [...] The big kids call me Mercury 'cause I'm the swiftest thing in the neighborhood."

Describe the narrative point of view (first person ,second person ,third person omniscient or third person limited) in the story. how does this point of view influence your understanding of the main character Robbie and his development in the story? "Games at Twilight"


they are friends who loved to help each other and they liked games

Which of the following is a correct example of parallel construction? Select all that apply.

1. I was always told that I was a sickly child who had moments of being tiresome.

2. I was always told that I was a sickly and precarious and tiresome and uncertain child.

3. I was always told that I was a sickly, precarious, tiresome, uncertain child.

4. I was always told that I was a sickly and precariously and tiresomely and uncertainly child.



its the last one


mark as brainliest

Does everyone have the same rights?(PLEASE TRY TO DO 3+ SENTENCES PLEASE THANK YOU)


yes, everyone has the same rights. In the constitution and bill of rights it is protection EVERYONES rights, not just one race, one gender or one religion. Everyone is guaranteed the same equal rights.

What does it mean?

"If you come to a negotiation table saying you have the final truth, that you know nothing but the truth and that is final, you will get nothing."



Negotiations are meant to have leeway; all parties must be willing to give up something to come to an agreement. If you go to negotiate with the mindset that you won't accept anything less, that you wont give up anything to get the other party to agree, then they wont agree and you will get nothing out of it.

Who was the audience for the “I Have a Dream” Speech?






Metaphor Meanings Worksheet (Part 1)
[Animated image]
A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two things.
Often times it uses the word “is or was”
Directions: For each metaphor given below, write what you think it means.
Example A: Thoughts are a storm, unexpected.
Answer: someone may have many unexpected thoughts at anytime
1. He is a beast-
2. The noise is music to his ears-
3. He swam in the sea of diamonds-
4. His belt was a snake curling around his waist-
5. Love is a growing garland-
6. Your friendship is the picture to my frame-



1. He is a beast- Here, the man is compared to a beast though he is not literally one. So, by saying "he is a beast", the speaker seems to suggest he is ruthless, or strong, or anything that makes him similar to a beast.

2. The noise is music to his ears- This means that he is enjoying the music.

3. He swam in the sea of diamonds- He is not literally swimming in a sea of diamonds. But it means that he is happy, glad, excited.

4. His belt was a snake curling around his waist- This means that the belt is circular and elastic, like a snake.

5. Love is a growing garland- Means love requires time to grow.

6. Your friendship is the picture to my frame- This means your friendship is important to me like a picture is important for a frame or a picture completes a frame.


Metaphors are figurative languages that are used to represent, signify, or symbolize something. It is a rhetorical presentation of one thing by saying another thing.

1. He is a beast- Here, the man is compared to a beast though he is not literally one. So, by saying "he is a beast", the speaker seems to suggest he is ruthless, or strong, or anything that makes him similar to a beast.

2. The noise is music to his ears- This means that he is enjoying the music.

3. He swam in the sea of diamonds- He is not literally swimming in a sea of diamonds. But it means that he is extremely happy, glad, excited.

4. His belt was a snake curling around his waist- This means that the belt is circular and elastic, like a snake.

5. Love is a growing garland- Means love requires time to grow.

6. Your friendship is the picture to my frame- This means your friendship is important to me like a picture is important for a frame or a picture completes a frame.

I saw Denise today in Geography class.

She was sitting on the other side of the room.

"You're trying to start a war," she said, "giving secrets away to the Enemy. Why can't you keep your big mouth shut?"

I didn't know what to say.

I gave her a packet of tomato seeds and asked her to plant them for me, told her when the first tomato ripened she'd miss me.

- "In Response to Executive Order 9066," Dwight Okita

As you read, record any details that relate to the topic of American identity.​





It differs the behaviour of an individual




can you answer this please
1. from the letter, we know that
A. sheila was lost
B. cindy met sheila and her friends
C. Rose could meet sheila on her holidays
D. Sheila didn't want to meet Rose
E. Rose hated to meet Sheila with Cindy
2. Please, let me know when your plans are DEFINITE...
The DEFINITE word has similar in meaning to
A. right
B. fuzzy
c. sharp
d. insure
e. certain
3. The word "cheers" can be replaced with
A. regards
b. yours sincerely
c. dear
d. hopefully
e. lots of love​



1. C. Rose could meet sheila on her holidays.

2. E. Certain.

3. E. Lots of love.


1. From the letter, we know that Rose could meet sheila on her holidays because she's aware that there is a possibility that Sheila would be in town again during the next holiday.

2. Please, let me know when your plans are DEFINITE...

The DEFINITE word is similar in meaning to certain. Both words simply means for an event or a thing to be sure, positive and based on facts.

3. The word "cheers" can be replaced with lots of love​. Cheers is a word that is typically used to express a strong emotion of happiness, love and joy.

Which of the following sentences from the paragraph contain a comparative adjective? Choose two that apply.

a.The long hatch popped open and there they were.
b.We stood stunned, our hearts applauding their arrival with every beat.
c.But even though we had the best technology in the universe, a trick of the eye caught us out.
d.In the video images, they had appeared to be a bit taller than we are, relative to the things in their environment.
e.It appeared, however, that their trees were much, much shorter than ours, because the aliens were much, much shorter than we are.





What is a word for took with a stronger connotation



clenched, clung (to), clutched, held on (to)






In proposing a curfew, you are implying that teenagers equal rights
you are only using teenagers as a tool for increasing your support
The constitution of the united states guarantees our right to assem
apparently you don't feel that teenagers deserve such a basic right
that we will all be voters, too, in a few years?
Very truly yours,
Ramon Hinojosa, Pleasanton High School




Constitution and United States need to be capitalized

Capitalize Constitution and United States

You are John/Joan, the Tour -in- charge of Grand Public School,Agra. During the summer break, you are planning to organize a tour to a place of historical importace. Wrtie a letter to the National Travel Agency , Arga , enquiring about the charges, facilities arga enquiring about the charges, facilities and all other necessary details



Dear sir or madam,

I am Joan Simon, the Tour-in-charge of the Grand Public School, Agra. I am writing this letter to obtain information about the New Delhi Museum's tour during the summer break.

I would like to know the charges for the tour, and if there are any discounts. Also, could you inform me about other activities in the area that the students could do?

Lastly, Could you provide me information about the access for people in wheelchairs or crutches? Is it hard for them to move into the museum? Are there ramps for them?.

Thank you for your time. I am looking forward to hearing your response.

Yours faithfully,

Joan Simon.


In this letter, we are asking for information from a person that we do not know, so we have to use formal language and be polite when we ask for things.

The first paragraph is an introduction to the topic. The second and third paragraphs are about the information that we need. We have to write any inquires and doubts that we have in this section. Lastly, we make a closing paragraph thanking the person and saying our goodbyes.

Riddle How many letters are in the ALPHABET?


There is 34 I think lol

Which sentence has an error?
The Hardwick's dog apparently killed their neighbor's dog in a terrible
The amount of homework that my teacher assigns is much more than
your's does.
The teacher tried to convince her students that their city had much to offer
their future.
Our church's youth group likes to spend a week each summer doing yard
work for those who can't




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