The addition of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution in December of 1865..

Question 1 options:

made the Emancipation Proclamation law by ending slavery in America

was supported by most citizens of the former Confederate States of America

gave newly-freed slaves the right to vote

all of the above


Answer 1


The Thirteenth Amendment (Amendment XIII) to the United States Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. The amendment was passed by Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified by the required 27 of the then 36 states on December 6, 1865, and proclaimed on December 18. It was the first of the three Reconstruction Amendments adopted following the American Civil War.

President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, issued on January 1, 1863, declared that the enslaved in Confederate-controlled areas were free. When they escaped to Union lines or federal forces—including now-former slaves—advanced south, emancipation occurred without any compensation to the former owners. Texas was the last Confederate territory reached by the Union army. On June 19, 1865—Juneteenth—U.S. Army general Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, to proclaim the war had ended and so had slavery. In the slave-owning areas controlled by Union forces on January 1, 1863, state action was used to abolish slavery. The exceptions were Kentucky and Delaware where slavery was finally ended by the Thirteenth Amendment in December 1865.

In contrast to the other Reconstruction Amendments, the Thirteenth Amendment has rarely been cited in case law, but has been used to strike down peonage and some race-based discrimination as "badges and incidents of slavery". The Thirteenth Amendment has also been invoked to empower Congress to make laws against modern forms of slavery, such as sex trafficking.

Since 1804, states had divided into states that allowed or states that prohibited slavery. Slavery was implicitly recognized in the original Constitution in provisions such as Article I, Section 2, Clause 3, commonly known as the Three-Fifths Compromise, which provided that three-fifths of each state's enslaved population (“other persons”) was to be added to its free population for the purposes of apportioning seats in the United States House of Representatives and direct taxes among the states.

Though three million Confederate slaves were in fact freed by Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, their post-war status was uncertain. To ensure the abolition was beyond legal challenge, an amendment to the Constitution to that effect was initiated. On April 8, 1864, the Senate passed an amendment to abolish slavery. After one unsuccessful vote and extensive legislative maneuvering by the Lincoln administration, the House followed suit on January 31, 1865. The measure was swiftly ratified by nearly all Northern states, along with a sufficient number of border states (slave states not part of the Confederacy) up to the assassination of President Lincoln. However, the approval came via his successor, President Andrew Johnson, who encouraged the "reconstructed" Southern states of Alabama, North Carolina, and Georgia to agree, which brought the count to 27 states, leading to its adoption before the end of 1865.

Though the Amendment abolished slavery throughout the United States, some Black Americans, particularly in the South, were subjected to other forms of involuntary labor, such as under the Black Codes, as well as subjected to white supremacist violence, and selective enforcement of statutes, besides other disabilities.


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A time line of the countries that enter World War One


Germany, Austria Hungary, France, Russia, United Kingdom, Italy,


THE ALLIES: France --> Britain --> Russia (dropped out in the middle for their own revolution)--> U.S


Question 10 of 10
The Orthodox Church in Christianity was officially formed when:
A. the Great Schism divided Christian churches.
B. Jesus of Nazareth was crucified.
C. Constantine converted to Christianity.
D. Christianity was brought to the Americas.

does anyone know this ?





The Great Schism was a period of division between the Eastern and Western churches. The eastern and western churches shared the same faith till the Great Schism, which is arising of conflict between the eastern and western Christians that ultimately led to the division between the two. After the Great Schism, churches in Rome and Avignon were reigned by popes.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

Which of the following statements is true about the relation?
The relation is not a function.
The relation is a function and the domain is {1, 2}.
The relation is a function and the domain is {-1, -2, -3, -4}.


the relation is a function and the domain is 1,2

What was a reason for Texas involvement in the Civil War?
F. The Texas economy, social structure, and political values were much like the
northern states.
G. Texans believed that the U.S. government should intervene more in economic
H. Texans depended on slave labor for its heavy cotton production.
3. Texans wanted the 13th Amendment added to the U.S. Constitution.







Which countries/regions did Japan conquer between 1894 and 1940?



Taiwan (1902)

Korea (1910)

German islands located in the pacific region of Manchuria

Parts/regions of China

Frenchindo (China)


2 and 3 true or false



I don't know the answer just pick true

Helppppppp should leaders prioritize virtue or effectiveness? Defend your choice with at least one specific reason​



Political and social leaders should prioritize virtue over effectiveness. This is so because by prioritizing virtue and compliance with ethical, moral and legal norms, governments or social leaders generate in individuals a correct behavior and a positive vocation in front of the rest of society, which ultimately leads to the obtaining of better political, economic and social situations, which end up being effective for the group or citizens themselves. That is, through virtue, in the long term, the effectiveness of social behaviors and government policies is achieved, which are durable because they are already embedded in the idiosyncrasy of society.

How did the Black Death help to end manorialism?



After the Black Death, Western Europeans were less tied to a stable social and spiritual community. As social tensions increased, serfs defined manorial lords, and many became criticizing medieval traditions. Many people died of starvation and of disease.


Which statements explain the response to the crisis in the Middle East? Check all that apply.

The US does not stand alone against Iraq. correct
The UN agrees with the US on this issue. correct
Europe will not support the US decision. incorrect
The Middle East supports the UN. correct
Kuwait will not withdraw its troops. incorrect


Answer: A) The US does not stand alone against Iraq

B) The UN agrees with the US on this issue

D) The middle East supports the UN


The UN agrees that this is a problem of the world not just an American, European, or Middle East problem. That supports answer A and B. Soon the UN calls for an immediate withdrawal of its troops from Kuwait, supporting answer D.

Answer: A, B, D


Got it right 2021

Joe is now going to trial. He is entitled to a trial by jury.

Considering what you know about juror selection, which of these citizens are potential impartial jurors for Joe’s case? Check all that apply.

a retired owner of a small business
the mother of a young man who is Joe’s age
one of Joe’s coworkers
a young man four years older than Joe
a business owner who is a friend of Joe’s boss


- a retired owner of a small business
- a young man four years older than joe
- the mother of a young man who is joes age




Which statements describe capital expenditure ? 1 It is for an item which will last more than a year . 2 It is recorded in the income statement . 3 It is recorded in the statement of financial position


Answer:  3. It is recorded in the statement of financial position


Capital expenditure can be defined as the expense that the organization or individual spend to purchase, and maintain the assets, goods, and services like buildings, land, vehicles, and others. It is collectively indicating towards the financial position of a person or organization. It is mentioned in the balance sheet but not in the income statement. It is important for companies to maintain assets for growth.

Which extermination camps started as a forced labor camp for Soviet prisoners of war?
A. Treblinka II
B. Sobibor
C. Majdanek
D. Belzec

ANSWER: Majdanek



C. Majdanek


The extermination camps that started as a forced labor camp for Soviet prisoners of war was Majdanek.

Majdanek was used as a concentration camp during the Second World War by the Nazis during their invasion of Poland.





How was nationalism a driving force behind the unification of Germany and Italy?


Nationalism is a unifying effect when it comes to history. Areas with similar languages and values have a lot to say, when you see that much is similar you realize that it is often better together. In Germany, the pus factor was Prussia's expansionism that might start it. This is similar to Italy, where several people speak the same language and share the same values.

what was the role of chantry school in the middle ages​


Schools of this sort at first arose out of bequests by wealthy persons to support foundations for priests who should 'chant' masses for the repose of their souls. ... Since these religious duties did not absorb all the time of the priests, they were able to do some teaching.

2. What molecule does the drawing above represent? Label the 3 parts.



ATP (Adenosine triphosphate)


The molecule shown in the figure is an ATP molecule, also known as Adenosine triphosphate. This molecule is formed by three structures, a phosphate group (represented in the figure by the 3 "P"), a rigose (represented in the figure by the central figure) and an adenine molecule.

ATP is the cell's energy currency and is formed during the process of cellular respiration.

Benefits of International Trade
Use your knowledge about the advantages of international trade to complete each sentence.
International trade
v economic growth.
International trade
the specialization of goods.
International trade
v the types of goods and services available around the world.


encourages; encourages; increases


Use your knowledge about the advantages of international trade to complete each sentence.

International trade  

✔ encourages

economic growth.

International trade  

✔ encourages

the specialization of goods.

International trade  

✔ increases

the types of goods and services available around the world.


What statement about Roman slavery is TRUE? (W3.1.8) *

Slaves could become educated and could gain their freedom.

Slaves in the city had voting rights.

Slaves in the mine were treated better than household slaves.

Rural slaves were usually citizens of Rome that were being punished.



Slaves in the city had voting rights.

25. Explain the primary factors (main causes that contributed to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.​



In conclusion, the Roman empire fell for many reasons, but the 5 main ones were invasions by Barbarian tribes, Economic troubles, and overreliance on slave labor, Overexpansion and Military Spending, and Government corruption and political instability


What purpose is PRIMARILY served by including examples of writers who were inspired by the ancient Romans?
(A) They illustrate the connection between ancient Romans' ideas and those of writers commonly studied
(B) They emphasize the importance of the ancient Romans as the main characters in most modern plays
and movies.
(C) They demonstrate the way that Roman philosophy and scholarship changed and developed over time.
(D) They highlight the lasting effects of Roman writers on various cultures that were once part of the empire.


Answer: (B) They emphasize the importance of the ancient Romans as the main characters in most modern plays

and movies.


In your opinion what are the three greatest national security threats facing the U.S.? Why?



Terrorism Economic Espionage Foreign Intelligence Activities



This issue concerns foreign power-sponsored or foreign power-coordinated activities that:

Involve violent acts, dangerous to human life, that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or any state;

Appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion, or to affect the conduct of a government by assassination or kidnapping; and

Occur totally outside the United States or transcend national boundaries in terms of the means by which they are accomplished, the persons they appear intended to coerce or intimidate, or the locale in which their perpetrators operate or seek asylum.

Economic Espionage

This issue concerns foreign power-sponsored or foreign power-coordinated intelligence activity directed at the U.S. Government or U.S. corporations, establishments, or persons, which involves:

The unlawful or clandestine targeting or acquisition of sensitive financial, trade or economic policy information, proprietary economic information, or critical technologies; or

The unlawful or clandestine targeting or influencing of sensitive economic policy decisions.

Foreign Intelligence Activities

This issue concerns foreign power-sponsored or foreign power-coordinated intelligence activity conducted in the U.S. or directed against the United States Government, or U.S. corporations, establishments, or persons, that is not described by or included in the other issue threats.

please help me please ​


Can you translate it to English please

True or false?

The Irish Famine was deemed by priests to be too controversial to discuss and people in Belfast, refusing to acknowledge it, have banned any public images that would remind people of that traumatic event.


It is true also u could have just looked this up lol

why was King John was an unpopular king.? ​



John collected taxes, modernised the government and exerted his power over the Church, Scotland and Ireland. This made him unpopular with the barons. In 1201-2, helped by King Philip of France, the lords of Lusignan, a powerful alliance of French nobles, rebelled against John. John mounted a huge campaign to re-conquer Normandy, but was badly defeated at the Battle of Bouvines (1214). John was forced to pay the huge sum of 20,000 marks and concede some lands in France in order for King Philip to recognise him as the heir to Richard I.

who were The most successful of the Crusades


Europeans captured the holy land

How did the French Revolution of 1830 affect British politics?
O Parliament passed a bill granting adult women the right to vote.
O Parliament passed a bill granting some adult males the right to vote.
O Parliament abolished hereditary titles in the upper house in an effort to democratize government.
O Parliament passed an emancipation proclamation freeing enslaved people throughout the empire.



1.) Parliament abolished hereditary titles in the upper house in an effort to democratize government.

Fiscal policy is how a government chooses to increase and decrease


Please give me brainlist


the use of fiscal policy to expand the economy by increasing aggregate demand, which leads to increased output, decreased unemployment, and a higher price level. Expansionary fiscal policy is used to fix recessions.

The opportunity to make a profit
drives people to put their money at
Producers determine the
supply, or availability, of a
Consumers determine the
demand for a product.
The features described in the above boxes best describe what type of economy?
o socialist economy
o free enterprise economy
o communist economy



B) Free enterprise economy


A free enterprise economy(Also known as capitalism) is driven by consumers and producers and their desire to buy good products and make money respectively. In the other two economies, supply and demand are controlled by the government.

l am for the motion that boys should not help in the kitchen



And I'm for the motion that who ever is the better cook should be the one that's working in the kitchen.


This is an image of sharecropping in Georgia in 1898 on a plantation, how does this
appear to differ from slavery prior to the 13th Amendment?






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