Structural Styles
Go to the Structural Styles section. Within that section create a style rule to set the background color of the browser window to rgb(151, 151, 151).
Create a style rule to set the background color of the page body to rgb(180, 180, 223) and set the body text to the font stack: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif.
Display all h1 and h2 headings with normal weight.
Create a style rule for every hypertext link nested within a navigation list that removes underlining from the text.
Create a style rule for the footer element that sets the text color to white and the background color to rgb(101, 101, 101). Set the font size to 0.8em. Horizontally center the footer text, and set the top/bottom padding space to 1 pixel.


Answer 1

Solution :

For Structural Styles the browser's background color.  

html {

background-color: rgb(151, 151, 151);


For creating style rule for the background color and setting the body text

body {

background-color: rgb(180,180,223);

font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;  


For displaying all the h1 as well as h2 headings with the normal weight.

h1, h2 {

font-weight: normal;


For create the style rule for all the hypertext link that is nested within the  navigation list  

nav a {

text-decoration: none;


For creating style rule for footer element which sets the color of the text to color white and the color of the background to as rgb(101, 101, 101). Also setting the font size to 0.8em. Placing the footer text to horizontally center , and setting the top/bottom of the padding space to 1 pixel.

footer {

background-color: rgb(101, 101, 101);

font-size: 0.8em;

text-align: center;

color: white;

padding: 1px 0;


/* Structural Styles At one place*/

html {

background-color: rgb(151, 151, 151);


body {

background-color: rgb(180,180,223);

font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;  


h1, h2 {

font-weight: normal;


nav a {

text-decoration: none;


footer {

background-color: rgb(101, 101, 101);

font-size: 0.8em;

text-align: center;

color: white;

padding: 1px 0;


Related Questions

Sentence Deobfuscate Name this file deobfuscate.cpp Hints: Don’t overthink this problem. Prompt the user to enter a collection of sentence words (i.e., words in the sentence), with the spaces removed (i.e., the obfuscated sentence) and with words that are less than ten (10) letters each. Then prompt the user to enter a sequence of numbers that represent the length of each corresponding sentence word (i.e. the deobfuscated details). Output the deobfuscated sentence. Convert char c to int by subtracting 48 (‘0’) from c.
Sample Execution:
Please enter obfuscated sentence: Thisisasentence
Please enter deobfuscation details: 4218
Deobfuscated sentence: This is a sentence



In C++:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(){

   string text,lengt;

   cout<<"Please enter obfuscated sentence: ";    cin>>text;

   cout<<"Please enter deobfuscation details: ";    cin>>lengt;

   string t1, t2;

   int kount = 0;

   for(int i = 0;i<lengt.length();i++){


   t1 = text.substr(0, kount);

   t2 = text.substr(kount, text.length()-1);

   text = t1 +" "+ t2;

   kount++;   }

   cout<<"Deobfuscated sentence: "<<text;

   return 0; }


This declares the text and the deobfuscation details as string

   string text,lengt;

This prompts for the sentence

   cout<<"Please enter obfuscated sentence: ";     cin>>text;

This prompts for the details

   cout<<"Please enter deobfuscation details: ";     cin>>lengt;

t1 and t2 are declared as string. They are used to split the texts into 2 parts

   string t1, t2;

This declares and initializes a count variable to 0  

   int kount = 0;

This iterates through the deobfuscation details

for(int i = 0;i<lengt.length();i++){

This gets each deobfuscation character


The next two instructions splits the text into 2

This gets from 0 to kount.

   t1 = text.substr(0, kount);

This gets from kount to the last index

   t2 = text.substr(kount, text.length()-1);

The new string or sentence is calculated here

   text = t1 +" "+ t2;

The kount variable is incremented by 1

   kount++;   } The loop ends here

This prints the new sentence

   cout<<"Deobfuscated sentence: "<<text;

See attachment for program file

Explain, step by step the process required to carry out drive error correction (disk check) on Windows 10​



Disk Error Checking in Windows 10

In Windows 8, Microsoft has redesigned chkdsk utility – the tool for detecting and fixing disk corruption. In Windows 8, Microsoft introduced a file system called ReFS, which does not require an offline chkdsk to repair corruptions – as it follows a different model for resiliency and hence does not need to run the traditional chkdsk utility.

The disk is periodically checked for file system errors, bad sectors, lost clusters, etc., during Automatic Maintenance and you now no longer need to really go and run it. In fact, Windows 8 now even exposes the state of the file-system and disk via the Action Center or under the Drive properties in File Explorer. If potential errors are found, you will be informed about it. You can continue to use the computer, while the scan is carried out in the background. If errors are found, you may be prompted via a notification to restart your computer.

Read: How to cancel ChkDsk in Windows.

Windows found errors on this drive that need to be repaired

At times you may see a message – Windows found errors on this drive that need to be repaired. If you see it, you may want to manually run a scan. Earlier you had to schedule Disk Error Checking for the system drive and for drives which had files or processes or folders opened. In Windows 10/8, error checking starts right away, even on the system drive – and it longer needs to be scheduled at start-up. Only if some errors are found, will you have to restart to let Windows 10/8 fix the errors.

How to run CHKDSK in Windows 10

To begin the scan, right-click on the Drive which you wish to check and select Properties. Next, click on Tools tab and under Error-checking, click on the Check button.  This option will check the drive for file system errors.

If the system detects that there are errors, you will be asked to check the disk. If no errors are found, you will see a message – You don’t need to scan this drive. You can, nevertheless, choose to check the drive. Click on Scan drive to do so.

Write a C program that gets 4 integer values from the user, namely, x1, x2, y1, and y2, and then calculates and returns the distance according to the above formula. Use whatever format for entering your data you like. Your program should prompt the user for these values, accept input from the keyboard, and then print out the result. You will have to execute the program four times to cover the test cases below (feel free to use a loop if you want to work ahead). Include a screenshot (or four) that shows the results for the following values: 1) (2,3), (4,5) 2) (4,3), (-6,-5) 3) (-1,3), (4,-2) 4) (-9,-12), (-7, -8)



#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

int main(){

   float x1,x2,y1,y2,distance;

   printf("x1: ");    scanf("%f", &x1);

   printf("y1: ");    scanf("%f", &y1);

   printf("x2: ");    scanf("%f", &x2);

   printf("y2: ");    scanf("%f", &y2);

   distance = sqrt((x1 - x2)*(x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2)*(y1 - y2));

   printf("Distance: %f", distance);

   return 0;



This line declares all required variable (i.e. the coordinates and the distance)

   float x1,x2,y1,y2,distance;

The next four line prompt and get input for the coordinates

   printf("x1: ");    scanf("%f", &x1);

   printf("y1: ");    scanf("%f", &y1);

   printf("x2: ");    scanf("%f", &x2);

   printf("y2: ");    scanf("%f", &y2);

This calculates the distance

   distance = sqrt((x1 - x2)*(x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2)*(y1 - y2));

This prints the calculated distance

   printf("Distance: %f", distance);

See attachment for sample runs

C++ "Simon Says" is a memory game where "Simon" outputs a sequence of 10 characters (R, G, B, Y) and the user must repeat the sequence. Create a for loop that compares the two strings starting from index 0. For each match, add one point to userScore. Upon a mismatch, exit the loop using a break statement. Assume simonPattern and userPattern are always the same length.
Ex: The following patterns yield a userScore of 4:
Ex: The following patterns yield a userScore of 9:
simonPattern: RRGBRYYBGY
userPattern: RRGBBRYBGY
Result: Can't get test 2 to occur when userScore is 9
Your value: 4
Expected value: 9
Your value: 4
Tests aborted.



In C++:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(){

   int userScore = 0;

   string simonPattern, userPattern;

   cout<<"Simon Pattern: ";    cin>>simonPattern;

   cout<<"User Pattern: ";    cin>>userPattern;

   for (int i =0; i < simonPattern.length();i++){

       if(simonPattern[i]== userPattern[i]){

           userScore++;        }

       else{            break;        }


   cout<<"Your value: "<<userScore;

   return 0;



This initializes user score to 0

   int userScore = 0;

This declares simonPattern and userPattern as string

   string simonPattern, userPattern;

This gets input for simonPattern

   cout<<"Simon Pattern: ";    cin>>simonPattern;

This gets input for userPattern

   cout<<"User Pattern: ";    cin>>userPattern;

This iterates through each string

   for (int i =0; i < simonPattern.length();i++){

This checks for matching characters

       if(simonPattern[i]== userPattern[i]){

           userScore++;        }

This breaks the loop, if the characters mismatch

       else{            break;        }


This prints the number of consecutive matches

   cout<<"Your value: "<<userScore;

The Merge & Center option is available in the_____________ group of the Home tab.​


Alignment group of the home tab?? I’m not too sure but I hope this helps!

How can you determine if the story is told in the third person



They use pronouns like They, Them, He, She, It.

My goal is to help Edmentum kids
Select the correct answer.
What type of communication flow occurs in a formal network when employees submit status reports to their superiors?
downward communication
horizontal communication
lateral communication
upward communication
Hopefully people will answer these



D upward communication



upward communication


You have a limited budget and you need to type color documents frequently, which type of printers would you buy?​



you can use these printer if you have this amount of budget


Stroke weight - ____ of the line around a shape or size of the point


Explanation: "A stroke is referred to as an outline, or instead, it describes the edges of a shape or a simple line. The stroke height can be modified by changing the settings in an appropriate panel. ... Flash uses the color panel to determine whether that color is for fills or strokes.

Identify the suitable synonym for the given words


Answer: uneducated



uneducated, mindless

What kinds of animations are available for slide objects besides animations for entrances and exists?


Entrance. Entrance animations are used to introduce a slide object within a slide or Emphasis. Emphasis animations are used to animate slide objects that are already present on a slide.

Which of the following is a tip for making sure you are messaging safely?
A.Always use your full name.
B.Be careful who you allow on your buddy list.
C.Fill in your online profile in accurate detail.
D.Ignore instances of online harassment.





You have to be careful about the people you talk too, because, if you don't, you can be in real danger.

sorry if I am wrong

Answer: B


Which of these is a problem that a computer CANNOT solve
A. Getting the news out to the public quickly
B. Helping architects build models of new buildings
C. Getting rid of racism
D. Making a game for entertainment


The answer should be C

Getting rid of racism

Hope this helps

What are some positive and nevative aspects of technology?





Enhances Learning.  

Fosters Problem-Solving Skills.  

Develops Future Technological Leaders


Diminishes Relationships and Social Skills

Stimulates Health Issues

Reduces Sleep Quality

Which statement in main() generates an error?
public class Players {
public void setName(String newName) { … }
public void setAge(int newAge) { … }
public class SoccerPlayers extends Players {
public void setDetails(String newName) { … }
public String getLeague() { … }
public static void main(String args[]) {
String leagueName;
Players newPlayers = new Players();
SoccerPlayers playerObject = new SoccerPlayers();
playerObject.setName("Jessica Smith");
leagueName = newPlayers.getLeague(); }
A. SoccerPlayers playerObject=new SoccerPlayers(); An object of a derived class cannot be created.
B. playerObject.setName("Jessica Smith"); setName() is not declared in SoccerPlayers.
C. leagueName=newPlayers.getLeague(); getLeague() is not a member of Players.
D. Players newPlayers=new Players(); An object of a base class cannot be created.



C. leagueName=newPlayers.getLeague(); getLeague() is not a member of Players.


The main method in this code will case an error when trying to run the following line of code...


This is because the method getLeague() is being called on a Player object which takes all of its methods from the Player class. Since getLeague() is not a method located in the player class then it cannot be called by an object from that class. Especially since the Player class does not extend to the SoccerPlayers class where the getLeague() method is actually located. Instead, it is the SoccerPlayers class which extends the Players class as its parent class.

what is output?
a include <iostreom.h>
void sub (float & x)
{ x + =2;
cout <<" \nx="<<x;
void main ()
{ clrser ()
float x = 5.8
cout<<" \nx="<<x'
sob (x);
Cout <<"\nx="<<x
getch ();







I repaired the code somewhat (see below).

Since x is passed as a reference variable to the sub function, inside sub() the original variable is modified, so the changed value affects the variable declared in main().

If you would remove the & in sub, this wouldn't happen, and the variable in main would keep its value 5.8.

how does dual concepts work?​


The transaction that affects a business

identify and explain 3 methods of automatically formatting documents​



Three common automatic formatting for documents are...

Margin justification- where text is aligned to both the left and right margin- producing a neat page

Paragraph justification- where paragraphs are not split as they go over the page- but are moved to the next page in one piece.

Tabular justification- where text is indented or aligned at a 'tab stop'. - to emphasise a paragraph.

The 3 methods used in Microsoft word to auto format are; Margin Justification, Tabular Justification, Paragraph Justification

What is formatting in Microsoft Word?

In Microsoft word, there are different ways of formatting a text and they are;

Margin justification; This is a type of formatting where all the selected text are aligned to either the left or right margin as you go to a new page as dictated by the user.

Paragraph justification; This a type of auto formatting where paragraphs are not split as they go to a new page but simply continue from where they left off.

Tabular justification; This is a type that the text is indented or aligned at a 'tab stop' to possibly show a paragraph.

Read more about Formatting in Microsoft Word at:

why is GDS important to travel industry?



A Global Distribution System (GDS) is a wonderful tool that properties should use to reach customers easily. This is a central reservation system that allows travel agents to access hotel rates and availability as well as prices for flights, trains and rental car companies in real time.

Use the drop-down menus to match each description to its corresponding term.

millions of tiny dots on a computer screen
number of pixels that span an image’s width multiplied by its height
pixels mapped onto an X-Y coordinate plane



Your answer is


A monitor's screen is divided up into millions of tiny dots, called ________. Select your answer, then click Done.

You chose pixels, clicked the Done button.

Abby has a research paper to write and doesn't know which sites provide quality information. Which of the following sites is the best site for a research paper? Click the image(s) to select the answer. When you are finished, click Done.

You selected the College Online Library option, clicked the Done button.


millions of tiny dots on a computer screen

✔ pixels

number of pixels that span an image’s width multiplied by its height

✔ image resolution

pixels mapped onto an X-Y coordinate plane

✔ raster graphic

Get it ig

how are headers and footers are useful in presentation​




PowerPoint is a software that allows user to create headers as well as footers which are information usually appears at the top of the slides and the information that appears at the bottom of all slides. Headers and footers are useful when making presentation in these ways:

✓ Both provide quick information about one's document/ data clearly in a predictable format. The information that is provided by the Header and footers typically consist of ;

©name of the presenters,

©the presentation title

©slide number

©date and others.

✓ They help in setting out different parts of the document.

✓Since the Headers and footers can appear on every slide, corporate confidentiality as well as copyright information can be added to footer area to discourages those that can steal ones secrete.

Please Help I'm Very Stressed, my school is holding a competition of making the best video game and the winner gets 1000$ and I really want 1000$, the problem is that I can't make any good games or don't have any ideas for anything the game has to have lore and a plot and characters and it's really stressing so please help me get a idea or something easy enough to make



make a game like fun run



u should make an competive game where people battle each other sorry if i cant spell good its cause im rushing


Harry wants to change the background of all of his presentation slides. Which slide will enable him to make this change to all the slides at once?
Harry needs to change the ___________ to change the background of all his presentation slides.






What is the second step in opening the case of working computer


Answer: 1. The steps of opening the case of a working computer as follows:

2. power off the device.

3. unplug its power cable.

4. detach all the external attachments and cables from the case.

5. Remove the retaining screws of the side panel.

6. Remove the case's side panel.


Write a program in QBasic to enter two numbers and print the greater one.​












class one


public static void main ( )


int a = 1,b = 2;

if ( a > b )


System.out.print (" greater number is " + a);


else if ( a < b )


System.out.print (" greater number is " + b);




What are the types of storage?



Primary Storage: Random Access Memory (RAM) Random Access Memory, or RAM, is the primary storage of a computer. ...

Secondary Storage: Hard Disk Drives (HDD) & Solid-State Drives (SSD) ...

Hard Disk Drives (HDD) ...

Solid-State Drives (SSD) ...

External HDDs and SSDs. ...

Flash memory devices. ...

Optical Storage Devices. ...

Floppy Disks.


The types of storage unit are 1)magnetic storage device 2)optical storage device

differentiate between system software and application software



system software is the software which control overall operation of the computer . For eg. Ms.dos ,window 2003 ,etc whereas application software is a software which work on the top of operating system to solve number of problems .For eg. Ms.word,Ms.excel,etc

Difference between system software and application software :

1.) System software is used for operating computer hardware. On other hand Application software is used by user to perform specific task.

2.) Low level languages are used to write the system software. While high level languages are used to write the application software.

3.) System Software a general purpose software. While application software a specific purpose software.

4.) Without system software, system can’t run. While without application software system always runs.

5.) System software runs when system is turned on and stop when system is turned off. While application software runs as per the user’s request.

6.) System Software programming is complex than application software. Application software programming is simpler as comparison to system software.



You have many drugs that you want to store electronically along with their purchase dates and prices, what kind of software would you use? *






To store a variety of drugs electronically, along with displaying their purchase dates and prices, the kind of software that would be used is database.

advantage of using computer​



What are the advantages of using a computer?

Although there are disadvantages to using a computer, we believe the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages (although we may be biased). Below is a list of the main advantages and benefits you'll get and society gets from using a computer.

Increase your productivityComputers increase your productivity and, with a good understanding of the software running on them, you become more productive at everything you do. For example, once you have a basic understanding of using a word processor, you can create, store, edit, share, and print documents and letters. Each of these things was either impossible or slower with all pre-existing technologies.

Connects you to the InternetConnecting a computer to the Internet is what unlocks the full potential of a computer. Once connected, your choices and available options are almost limitless. Many of the benefits listed on this page are with a computer connected to the Internet.

Can make you money?When connected to the Internet, a computer could help you make money many different ways. For example, it's cheaper to create and run an online store than having a physical store. Also, once online, your store or product has a global audience and you could sell to anyone in the world.Save timeToday, there are many services that help save you time. Several examples are listed below.

Using a site like Amazon, you can find many of the same products you would find at a store for the same price or cheaper. You can also have those items shipped to your door without having to leave your home.

You could use an online banking site to view your bank balance and pay bills.

If your favorite restaurant has a website, you can order take out without having to wait in line.

You can view online traffic cameras and maps with traffic information to find the quickest route.

Assume three jobs arrive at approximately the same time (arrival time are all 0), but Job A arrives slightly before Job B, and Job B arrives slightly before job C (if the jobs must be selected in order, the order should be A->B->C). Job A requires 2 sec of CPU, Job B is 8 secs, and Job C is 7 secs. Assume a time-slice of 1 second. Given a RR scheduler (time slice is 1sec), what is the average response time of the three jobs?





Other Questions
The image above depicts a triangular piece of land, ACD, with two roads, segments BE and CF, cutting across the property. The owner wishes to add a fence along segment BC. The entire triangular piece of land is an isosceles triangle in which sides AC and CD both equal 9 miles. Segment CF represents the perpendicular bisector of the 13 mile-long base. If triangles BKC and FKE, formed from the intersection of the two roads, are congruent and segment AE is equal to side CD, what is the length of segment BC?Select one:A. 2.5 milesB. 3.0 milesC. 3.5 milesD. 4.0 miles A power source of 6.0 V is attached to the ends of acapacitor. The charge is 12 C. Why were Europeans so powerful A stock currently sells for $49. The dividend yield is 3.4 percent and the dividend growth rate is 4.7 percent. What is the amount of the dividend to be paid in one year Wil following three angles for a triangle? 30 degrees 60 degrees 90 degrees difference between chlorenchyma and parenchyma What is a contribution that classical Greece made to modern Western civilization?belief in one deityelection of political leadersscientific theory of relativitygraphic novel in literature Please help me this is my final!!! !00 points!!!!!!!! I'll mark you BraInLieStWhy might government control of radio and television technology be important to totalitarian governments? How many moles of KBr are present in 500 ml of a 0.8 M KBr solution?1. 1.62. .43. .6254. 6255. .0016 find the value of x in each triangle. show your work on a separate piece of paper What did other characters say about lady macbeth? Who was it? Gemma sat in the moonlit shade beneath her favorite oak tree. Although she was past her curfew, she could not sleep. Not after the last dream. She could not remember anything from the dream, only the feeling of being lost and leaving everything behind. She buried her toes beneath the dirt and shuddered at the thought of the nightmare. Deciding that she was fretting over nothing, Gemma went back to the generously sized loft house that her mother and father had built before she was born. She smiled at the simplicity of it often. Morning came quickly, and Gemma quickly rose out of bed, remembering what day it was. She was a senior as of today, and could not miss her first day. After throwing a pair of khakis on and a loose feather shirt, she quickly wove her golden hair into separate braids and made her way out of the door. Her mother sat in the kitchen, laughing. The sight of her daughter running through the house like a crazed clown was the most hilarious thing she has seen all day. Sweetie, wait for me!, her mother shouted over the sound of the car door slamming. After they had arrived at Westbrooks Highschool, Gemma jumped out of the car and ran. Don't forget your lunch!, she heard her mother yell. Gemma turned around sharply, almost tripping, and ran back to grab her lunch. Her best friend, Amelia, spotted the golden-headed clown. She walked cautiously towards her friend. Gemma turned around in time to see her and laughed at Amelias facial expression. Both girls walked towards the building, laughing. Suddenly, Gemma stopped. Oh my..., someone in the crowd began. Amelia pushed her way through the crowd to see a student whose back was turned. At first, she was confused, not knowing why everyone was freaking out over a student not facing them, but then she took a closer look at the student. She was not standing up, her body was hanging, as if she was dead, but the girl was very much alive and even started speaking. Amelia only heard the word, remember. She turned to Gemma, who was in a trance. Gemma quickly snapped out of it and Amelia ran towards her friend. Does she...have wings? Or what are those? Gemma asked confusedly. Amelia stared at Gemma. No shes hanging but is somehow fine. The girls exchanged scared faces. But when they turned back towards the girl, she was gone and the students were walking away as if nothing had happened. They both slowly walked towards the school building, avoiding the area where the girl had stood. What do you think? Which of the following choices is NOT a common injury in sports?A.concussion and muscle strainsB.hemorrhage and arthritisC.ligament sprains and tearsD.bone fractures and ankle sprains Please help 4x - 7 = 8 - 2x Reid chooses not to reveal how the relationship with Marcus and the narratorended. How does this create tension in the story?A. The reader thinks only about the ducks.B. The reader wonders why the narrator is nervous.C. The reader is afraid of the narrator,D. The reader thinks Jim is going to hurt the ducks, Episode 2 begins with Mars in the backseat of a police car. Why is Mars in the backseat of a police car? * is electricity matter Why is pathogen a better word choice than "Germ"? Clare estimates that her brother is 4 feet tall. When they get measured at the doctors office, her brothers height is 4 feet, 2 inches.1. Should Clare's or the doctor's measurement be considered the actual height? Explain your reasoning.2. What was the error, expressed in inches?3. What was the error, expressed as a percentage of the actual height?