Read the sentence.
It was priceless when Alice my cousin from Mississippi opened the box and saw what we had given her for graduation
Which nonessential element should be enclosed within parentheses?
O my cousin from Mississippi
O what we had given her
O opened the box and
O for graduation


Answer 1
my cousin from mississippi
Answer 2


O my cousin from Mississippi


took the test! and its right!

Related Questions

Add or remove commas, if necessary, until the sentence has correct punctuation. The wizard needed a penny a crow's feather and a magic wand to give Chris Traeger wings.



The wizard needed a penny, a crow's feather and a magic wand to give Chris Traeger wings.


To leave the sentence with the correct punctuation it is necessary to add a comma after the word "penny." This must happen because the narrator is listing elements in sequence and these elements must be separated by commas with the exception of the penultimate and the last element, which must be separated by the "and," as was done between "crow's feather" and a "magic wand. "

I’ll give a brainlist!!!!

Use the graphic organizer below to create an outline for your persuasive essay. When you have finished, copy and paste
your outline into the Notebook tool() so that you can refer to it later in the lesson.




What interesting hook did you include to grab your reader’s attention?

Did you state your thesis clearly? Your thesis statement is the main argument that you will use in the final version of the essay. Make your thesis statement clear and precise. For example, you could write, “Figurative language is the most essential element of poetry.” A clear thesis statement helps the reader understand your argument.

Body paragraphs 1 and 2

Did you use one paragraph to explore each point of your supporting argument?

Did you write your supporting arguments clearly?

Does each paragraph have some evidence to support its point?

Body paragraph 3

Did you clearly state the opposing viewpoint? For example, you could write, “Some people claim that rhyme is the most memorable aspect of a poem because it makes it sound catchy.”

Did you follow the opposing viewpoint with a counterargument? You might write, “Figurative language performs the same function.”

Did you include evidence to support your counterargument? For example, you could say that in a poem such as “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” simile, repetition, and other figurative language is used to make the poem sound catchy.


Did you repeat your main argument? You may say that figurative language is the most essential element of poetry.

Did you restate your supporting arguments? For example, you may include your two main points that figurative language makes poetry easier to understand and allows the poet to explore ideas in many different ways.

Did you end with a strong statement that will encourage readers to agree with your viewpoint or challenge them to take action? For example, you might challenge readers to write a poem without figurative language so they can understand how important it is.


Here’s an example of a completed outline:



“What’s in a name?” you may ask. William Shakespeare made this commonplace question memorable in these lines from Romeo and Juliet:

What’s in a name? that which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet;

So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d,

Retain that dear perfection which he owes

Without that title.

These lines illustrate the power of figurative language in poetry.

Thesis Statement

Figurative language is the most essential element for conveying meaning in poetry.



Paragraph 1

The use of figurative language helps readers better understand the poet’s vision.

poetry excerpts supporting this point


Paragraph 2

The use of figurative language, such as metaphor and simile, allows a poet to communicate complex ideas and deeper meaning.

poetry excerpts supporting the point

Figurative language helps the poet share a vision with the reader.

poetry excerpts supporting the point


Paragraph 3

Present the opposite view.

Some people claim that rhyme is the most memorable aspect of a poem because it makes a poem sound catchy.

Prove that your view is right.

Rhyme cannot lift a poem if the language is dull and lacks imagination.

Using figures of speech helps make poetry lyrical.

The use of simile, metaphor, and other figures of speech help to convey complex ideas and to connect ideas.


Conclusion Figurative language is the most important element of poetry because it helps poets explore complex ideas and create vivid images. The use of figurative language helps the reader to better understand the author’s ideas and vision.


Edmentum answer!!!! REPHRASE

pls mark brainliest!

remember you're doing your best. ik it's hard rn, pls take care of yourself <3

3. Which is correct? *
(5 Points)
"No other poet ever came close his achievement." (Salk 42)
"No other poet ever came close his achievement" (Salk 42).



the first one. You need a period at the end.

Can you do as in the example 2



I must eat healthy.

I mustn't eat bad.


one question that you will ask for Brad Williams



the question is


what made u go by "AJ" instead of Adrienne Janic?

Is it easier to understand character traits better through the movie or play? PLSSS HELLLPP MEEE ITS TIMED!!!!!



Through a movie.

Explanation: In a movie, the acting is carefully timed out and there are several takes. The actors have more tries to show emotion and play their character.

In a movie, because a play is live, where they can stumble on words, and a movie is not.

Things people worry about





school can give you so much stress and you have to be in top if things


1. Death

2. School


1. Because when someone dies they're gone, you can never ask them what it's like to die, if it hurts what you fell, do you know.. stuff like that

2. The education system in the United States is messed up, there are way to may things wrong with it and I'm too lazy to explain y.

How did whites gain more power over Mexicans who stayed in the United States after the Mexican-American War? O A. They elected Mexicans to public office. B. They made them move back to Mexico. C. They taxed Spanish speaking miners. O D. They encouraged Mexicans to vote.​


Answer: taxed spanish speaking miners

Read the excerpt from act 1 of The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street.


Who are them?


(very intently)

Whoever was in that thing that came by overhead.

Based on the stage direction, the reader should imagine Tommy as



it is a self assured child


I took the text just now.


it is a self assured child


Which sentence from the letter best supports the idea that a playwriting class would be useful to students who take the class????????


The first option (A)

Can someone please suggest some questions about African Americans traditional medicines? I need to do research about the questions and i got two out of 10


How do they compare to modern medicine?

Are the cultural or regional; do they depend on what culture your practice or what is available in your region?

Do any non-African American also use these medicines?

From which countries in Africa did these medicines originate?

What are they made of; are they natural, artificial, do they use chemicals?

Are recipes passed down in families or are they manufactured in Africa?

What illnesses do these medicines treat?

what is a part of your body in which valued for, how it help you?



The heart is a very important part of the body, and does act like a pump to move blood through the body.


What according to McWhirter, is the attitude of people towards unemployed people? (Refer to the story –What You Do is What You Are)



People consider unemployed people worthless.


According to McWhirter, people usually show different attitude towards unemployed people. He says that people of society consider unemployed people worthless and useless human beings who don't have the right to be respected by others in the society which is a bad perception because they are also humans and have a self-respect and in my opinion every human must be respected.

Fill in the blank questions usually require in the answer?



One key word.


Hope this helps ;)

use the words Sharecopper and Windswept together in a sentence



After a long day's work in the windswept fields, the exhausted sharecropper trudged home.


When Tom needed help tending the cotton fields, a landowner was looking to hire a sharecropper, after many hour's Tom felt Windswept.

Hope this helps tell me if I did anything wrong.

What does Miss Maudie teach Scout in chapters 4-6 of TKAM?​


Miss Maudie tells Scout that Boo Radley is still alive and it is her theory Boo is the victim of a harsh father (now deceased), a “foot-washing” Baptist who believed that most people are going to hell. Miss Maudie adds that Boo was always polite and friendly as a child. She says that most of the rumors about him are false, but that if he wasn’t crazy as a boy, he probably is by now.

In chapters 4-6 of "To Kill a Mockingbird," Miss Maudie, a kind and insightful neighbor, teaches Scout important lessons about empathy and understanding.

She encourages Scout to consider things from others' perspectives, advising her not to judge people without understanding their circumstances. Miss Maudie emphasizes the importance of treating others with kindness and respect, even if they hold different beliefs.

She also teaches Scout the value of nature and the fragility of living things, sharing her passion for gardening. Through her wisdom and friendship, Miss Maudie helps Scout develop a broader worldview and cultivates her sense of compassion and curiosity.

Learn more about Miss Maudie here


My question is how should this counterclaim be revised



Nice to meet you My question is how should this counterclaim be revised


Ima take these points now

For all the years I knew my grandma, she could barely see. Grandma was legally blind, and yet she knew, by feel, the location of every dish in her kitchen and every work of literature on the bookcase in the living room.
I remember especially the bird-like way she peered at things. I'd bring her a copy of my latest school picture, and she'd hold the photo an inch or two from her face, tilt her head to one side, and inspect it before saying, "Very pretty." I used to think she was just being polite, that she really couldn't see me in the picture. But then she'd add, "That pin you're wearing was your mother's." How did she see that little blur on my jacket? The things she could see never failed to amaze me.
Watching television with Grandma, I never failed to learn something. Usually it was the complicated plot twist of one of her favorite soap operas—The Guiding Light or As the World Turns. We grandkids would curl up on the big couch while Grandma pulled up a footstool and planted herself right next to the TV, elbows on her knees, to watch the screen. At the commercial break, she'd explain who was marrying whom and who was in the hospital and who had recently come back from the dead. She seemed to have no trouble identifying the characters whom she could barely see. Whether or not she could bring them into sharp focus, they were as real to her as her giggling grandkids.
For a treat, we'd sometimes pile into our grandparent's black car for a drive around town: my grandfather at the wheel, my long-legged older brother in the front seat, and Grandma sandwiched between me and my little brother in the back—but sitting so far forward she was practically in the front. I'd imagined all she could see was a blur of images rushing past, yet she could always tell when Grandpa had missed a turn or forgotten to turn on his headlights. Returning home, Grandma would wave at the boy who mowed their lawn and point out the new fruit on the plum tree in their yard.
In later years, when I visited from college, Grandma would always be waiting when I pulled up in my old orange car (that's admittedly hard to miss, no matter how bad one's vision). She'd greet me with a bear hug. Then she'd surprise me, every time, with what she could see. Holding my face in her hands, she'd turn my head from side to side and announce, "You got your hair cut!" as if I had won the lottery and forgotten to tell her. I began to wonder if we rely on our eyes too much—if maybe, with our perfect sight, we're actually missing the details my grandma and her poor vision never failed to catch.

This story makes the reader think about what we can and cannot see. What question does the author ask us to think about at the end?
Do people with perfect vision miss out on the details of life?
Was life just a blur of images racing past our eyes?
Could Grandma see the things she said she could see?
Do blind people enjoy life more than people who can see?


i think you should give us more points for this but its c Explanation:




Lines 410-415: How are the stakes raised in these lines and for whom?






how to use tracing wheel​



It is used to transfer markings from sewing patterns onto fabric with or without the use of tracing paper and can be used to make slotted perforations. Such markings might include pleats, darts, buttonholes, notches or placement lines for appliques or pockets.


The pants were a little loose on my father, since he had lost weight.
A. casual
B. formal
C. tight
D. bagels



d: Bagels


It would look nice on your father :)


D. it says bagels but its baggy


it was just auto correct

Study the image. What problem or issue does this image bring to mind? Write a strong, effective claim that you might use in an argument related to the problem.​



I think the biggest problem is all the junk in her locker behind her. The girl has a lot of empty bags of food and drinks stashed in it, all looking rather unhealthy. If she has been eating this much junk food, then it is not good for her body. Your body needs protein and nutrients, and eating all that junk food not only takes away from this, but eating too much can make you obese as well as sick from all the sodium and artificial junk in it.


Hope this helps!

Please mark brainliest! ;)

In a well-developed paragraph, determine who provided the better reasoning in regards to whether or not the U.S. should enter the war. Your response MUST be written in a clear and concise paragraph of six to eight sentences and include specific evidence from both Wilson’s “Message to the Congress” and Lafollette’s “Appeal For Conference of Neutral Powers.”


The above question requires a personal answer, based on the arguments you read. In that case, I can't write your paragraph, but I'll show you how to write it.

First, you should read the arguments about whether or not the US needs to enter the war. As you read, you should identify which arguments are most convincing and effective. This argument will be one that presents accurate data and evidence, capable of persuading the reader.

After identifying this argument you can write your paragraph.

Steps to write the paragraph:Present the argument that has the best reasoning for you.Give the reasons that made you choose this argument as the most efficient.Show how the argument has the power to be persuasive.Show the evidence the argument presents about participation in the war.

More information on evidence at the link:

Omar is writing a betonal story about a brave Warrior rescuing a city from an evil ruler which dialogue should he indude in his draft to reveal
have battled many warriors in the past and defeated them the ruler stated calmly
the warrior breaks through the city rates, all will be lost the ruler told his council
will always right for what thinking the warrior Said confidently
Tam determined to help the people of this city the warrior exclaimed



have battled many warriors in the past and defeated them the ruler stated calmly


Lao Zi

Philosophy believed in: As Taoism took root, Laozi was worshipped as a god. Belief in the revelation of the Tao from the divine Laozi resulted in the formation of the Way of the Celestial Masters, the first organized religious Taoist sect. In later mature Taoist tradition, Laozi came to be seen as a personification of the Tao.

Quote: To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.

Shang Yang

Philosophy believed in: Shang Yang believed that the integrity of a state could be maintained only with power and that power consisted of a large army and full granaries. Entering into the service of Duke Xiao, head of the state of Qin, Shang Yang replaced the feudal division of the country with a system of centrally appointed governors.

Quote: When the people are weak, the state is strong; hence the state that possesses the Way devotes itself to weakening the people.


Philosophy believed in: Buddhists believe that human life is a cycle of suffering and rebirth, but that if one achieves a state of enlightenment nirvana, it is possible to escape this cycle forever. Siddhartha Gautama was the first person to reach this state of enlightenment and was, and is still today, known as the Buddha.

Quote: We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.

Write a letter of appreciation to the People of China. Describe what you learned about Ancient China, including the dynasties, philosophers, inventions and many other great facts you may have discovered. The letter should be at four to five paragraphs long, neatly printed or typed 10 OR 11 FONT.





here is a link to give you information

hope this helps

i will give brainliest!!

Which rule can be used to correct the spelling of the underlined word?


Change y to i when adding and ending.

The answer is option B.

What explains the sentence better?

The sentence is made up of subject and verb, this is important in the sentence. Without this, a set of words cannot be called a sentence. For example, 'the moon rises', in which the maker is a moon and rises in action.

Which sentence gives the short answer?

A sentence is a group of words put together to mean something. A sentence is a basic unit of language that expresses a complete thought.

Learn more about sentences here:


Why does Othello tell the magical story about the handkerchief? What is he trying to do? someone be kind enough to help me tyyy



The handkerchief, a gift to Desdemona from Othello, symbolizes so much more than a mere token of affection. To Othello, the handkerchief symbolizes fidelity and his giving it to Desdemona represents a promise that he will be true to her, and a request that she stay true to him.


What is the purpose of government? Select a quotation from a US president. Then, write an argumentative essay that explains why you



In general, there are four main purposes of government: to establish laws, maintain order and provide security, protect citizens from external threats, and promote the general welfare by providing public services.


What are the positive effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic to the mental health of people?



the coronavirus outbreak has been beneficial because people have been able to relax and look back on there life and learn who they are and learn new things about them selfs. this is the reason people love to look back at March and April 2020 because they remeber the feeling

Can someone recommend good Japanese names with a last name if you can and also with meanings as well? Thank you for your work!~


Answer: Kaeru, its the name of my stuffed frog, it means frog


Other Questions
The center of a circle bs located at 3,9), and the evde hesa vedles that to sustain What the parengtame een hee)0 #4 - 6 = 46 + 6 = ()7* 9-6-167-15-60676x* 167 18-0D. ** *64*167-15-0 Are the expressions -0.5(3x + 5) and-1.5x + 2.5 equivalent? Explain why or why not. What type of figurative language is being used in the sentence? (x2 3x + 2)/(4x - 16) true or false you can physically see high chlorestoral? PLS HELPPPWhat value of x would make the following relation a function?{(-3,-2),(2,3),(3,2),(x,2)}A. -3B. -2C. 2D. 3 PLEASE LOOK AT EXAMPLE AND THEN ANSWER QUESTION ONE I DON'T REALLY KNOW NUMERICAL EXPRESSION STUFF PLEASE HELP!! I WILL GIVE BRAINLIST! Someoneeee helpppp !!1. Determine the area of the rectangle below.Tamm15 mFormula:Plug in Values:Area: pleaseee help me ill press the heart Lee y escoge la opcin con la forma correcta del verbo para completar la frase. Read and choose the option with the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence.Nosotros nos ________ las chaquetas, pero las olvidamos en el carro. (1 point)pondramospondranpondamosponan Make a equation for the scatter plot line HELLPPPIn literature, symbols are not found in which of the following? (1 point)Setting descriptionsDescription of colorsCharacters' namesAuthor's name Grady has an inflamed knee from doing a lot of physical exercise the day before. He stops by the pharmacy to find a drug to relieve the inflammation and asks the pharmacist to recommend a drug. The pharmacist asks Grady if he has a history of peptic ulcers. Which best describes why the pharmacist needs to know this?A peptic ulcer could result in a drug-disease interaction by taking beta blockers, a common anti-inflammatory medication.A peptic ulcer could result in a drug-drug interaction by taking aspirin, a common anti-inflammatory medication. A peptic ulcer could result in a drug-disease interaction by taking aspirin, a common anti-inflammatory medication.A peptic ulcer could result in a drug-drug interaction by taking beta blockers, a common anti-inflammatory medication. Deborah has $56 in her bank account currently. She earns $8 per hour at her job at the local ice cream shop. Micah has $32 in his bank account and earns $12 per hour at his job mowing lawns. How many hours do they need to work to have the same amount of money in their bank accounts? Narrate a dream you will never forget Suppose two angles in a coordinate plane, one measuring 80 and the other measuring 160, were both rotated 180 about the origin and then translated 40 units down. Which of these would be a measure ofone of the resulting angles? Select all that apply.1603408040120260 Your AssignmentAABC is translated 4 units to the left and 8 uzits up, then reflected across the y-axis. Answer thequestions to find the coordinates of A after the transformations.B(2,9)876A(7,5)C(1,3)112345671. Giverule for translating a point 4 units left and 8 units up.Write your answer in the space below. colors that reside directly across from one another no the color wheeel ate calles c. Explain the meaning of thug life in your own words. Realistic examples in real life. A snowflake falls from a cloud that is 500 m above the ground. It hits the ground afterbeing pulled down due to the acceleration of gravity (-10 m/s2). How fast will it begoing as it hits the ground?