Ode to the West Wind

by Percy Bysshe Shelley

O WILD West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being—

Thou from whose unseen presence the leaves dead

Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,

Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,

5 Pestilence1-stricken multitudes!—O thou

Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed

The wingèd seeds, where they lie cold and low,

Each like a corpse within its grave, until

Thine azure2 sister of the Spring shall blow

10 Her clarion3 o'er the dreaming earth, and fill

(Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air)

With living hues and odours plain and hill—

Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere—

Destroyer and Preserver—hear, O hear!

15 Thou on whose stream, 'mid the steep sky's commotion,

Loose clouds like earth's decaying leaves are shed,

Shook from the tangled boughs of Heaven and Ocean,

Angels of rain and lightning! they are spread

On the blue surface of thine airy surge,

20 Like the bright hair uplifted from the head

Of some fierce Mænad,4 ev'n from the dim verge

Of the horizon to the zenith's height—

The locks of the approaching storm. Thou dirge5

Of the dying year, to which this closing night

25 Will be the dome of a vast sepulchre,6

Vaulted with all thy congregated might

Of vapours, from whose solid atmosphere

Black rain, and fire, and hail will burst:—O hear!

Thou who didst waken from his summer-dreams

30 The blue Mediterranean, where he lay,

Lull'd by the coil of his crystalline streams,

Beside a pumice7 isle in Baiæ's bay,

And saw in sleep old palaces and towers

Quivering within the wave's intenser day,

35 All overgrown with azure moss, and flowers

So sweet, the sense faints picturing them! Thou

For whose path the Atlantic's level powers

Cleave themselves into chasms, while far below

The sea-blooms and the oozy woods which wear

40 The sapless foliage of the ocean, know

Thy voice, and suddenly grow gray with fear

And tremble and despoil themselves:—O hear!

If I were a dead leaf thou mightest bear;

If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee;

45 A wave to pant beneath thy power, and share

The impulse of thy strength, only less free

Than thou, O uncontrollable!—if even

I were as in my boyhood, and could be

The comrade of thy wanderings over heaven,

50 As then, when to outstrip thy skiey speed

Scarce seem'd a vision,—I would ne'er have striven

As thus with thee in prayer in my sore need.

O lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud!

I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!

55 A heavy weight of hours has chain'd and bow'd

One too like thee—tameless, and swift, and proud.

Make me thy lyre, ev'n as the forest is:

What if my leaves are falling like its own!

The tumult of thy mighty harmonies

60 Will take from both a deep autumnal tone,

Sweet though in sadness. Be thou, Spirit fierce,

My spirit! be thou me, impetuous one!

Drive my dead thoughts over the universe,

Like wither'd leaves, to quicken a new birth;

65 And, by the incantation8 of this verse,

Scatter, as from an unextinguish'd hearth

Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind!

Be through my lips to unawaken'd earth

The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind,

70 If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?


1 Pestilence: a deadly infectious disease.

2 azure: sky blue.

3 clarion: clear, sharp sound.

4 Maenad: a crazed worshipper of Dionysius, the Greek god of wine and revelry.

5 dirge: a mournful song sung or played at funerals.

6 sepulchre: ('sep-el-cur) tomb.

7 pumice: volcanic rock.

8 incantation: magic spell.


Answer 1


im sorry what is this im comfuzed can you just put one questoin plz


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The correct answer to the question is "to find quotations

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Its the greek word for ' the second coming '

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Answer: uh what are u okay ?


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Ruby's Wish is an inspiring book that teaches children to persevere, stand up for what they believe in, and expresses the importance of a good education for everyone.


Source: https://p16.education.indiana.edu/projects/global-education-initiatives/global-literacy-invitation-project/pdf/Wendy%20Tamborrino%20G5%20Rubys%20Wish.pdf

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2. Quizzes in PowerPoint

3. Animations in PowerPoint


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Group of answer choices

because n word had done a prayer meeting for snow."

time to build a snowman.

because God had a cold

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the first choice “because n word had done a prayer meeting for snow”

Jake is writing a cover letter for a job. What information must he include in it?
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Answer: i would say why he wants the job, why hes suitable for the job and his past related experience

Jake is writing a cover letter for a job.  The information must he include in it are as follow:

Why he wants job.Why  he is suitable for job.His past related experience.  

A cover  letter is an archive sent close by your CV while going after positions. It goes about as an individual acquaintance and assists with sell your application.

A cover letter is important as it allows you the opportunity to disclose to a business why you're really great possibility for the work.  

At the point when you're going after a position, cover  letter allows you to show an individual side and exhibit why recruiting you is a brilliant choice.

Cover letters ought to associate with three sections in length and incorporate explicit models from your previous experience that make you qualified for the position.

For more information, refer the following link:


Question 4 of 25
The conclusion of your essay should:
O A. capture your readers' attention.
O B. explain what you'll write about in your essay.
O C. remind the readers of what you wrote about in your essay.
O D. None of the above is true.





O C. remind the readers of what you wrote about in your essay.

What are some differences and similarities between Egyptian god ra and Greek/Romain god helios?


Roman gods and goddesses were named after objects and did not possess a gender, whereas Greek gods were decided by human characteristics and traits.

3. Would you describe people who shared the same beliefs with a given church as heretics?


Yes I woke describe them as that

Write three points about why driverless cars are a bad idea.


one obstacle is driverless cars can mistake harmless puddles of water as pot holes and slow down for no reason.

there's also going to be skeptical people. considering that driverless tech has the greatest chance of reducing accidents when it’s on the road with other driverless tech, perhaps the biggest obstacle to the goal of accident prevention will be the stubborn relative or neighbor who “just doesn’t trust those things.”

also, there might be someone not paying attention in their driverless car, and the technology might not be all there. what i mean by this is they detect  little animals and swerve really fast and hit another car. even though people are working on this to try and stop car accidents from happening, it could lead the the exact opposite.

He gave his powerless laugh again and Tea Cake and the boy joined in with him. Then Tea Cake walked on off and went home to Janie. “Her husband can’t do nothin’ wid dat butt-headed woman. All you can do is treat her cold whenever she come round here.” Janie tried that, but short of telling Mrs. Turner bluntly, there was nothing she could do to discourage her completely. She felt honored by Janie’s acquaintance and she quickly forgave and forgot snubs in order to keep it. –Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston What does Tea Cake’s dialect, or use of nonstandard English, reveal about him? It gives an impression of Tea Cake’s mental health. It shows that Tea Cake has a quick temper when speaking. It establishes that Tea Cake lives in the South and may lack formal education. It clarifies Tea Cake’s opinion of Mrs. Turner, who uses standard English.



The narrator reflects the Southern environment when she uses the phrase “walked on off,” an example of nonstandard English.


Answer Is B  

The correct response is - the narrator reflects the Southern environment when she uses the phrase “walked on off,” an example of nonstandard English.

What is a Southern environment?

The environment plays a critical role in determining the characteristics of the American South, from semitropical coastal regions to high mountain terrain, from swampy lowlands to contemporary metropolis. This chapter of The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture examines the shifting environmental factors that have influenced the region's human cultures as well as how people have influenced their surroundings.

The ecology, physiography, and climate of the South are discussed in the articles, not only as a reality of daily living but also as a metaphor for comprehending culture and identity.

Ninety-eight essays that examine aspects of the southern environment are included in this anthology. They do so both generally and in detail. Overviews of several themes cover topics including natural disasters, energy use and development, vegetation, and animals.

To read more about the Southern environment, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/28602433


Use your knowledge about the advantages of international trade to complete each
International trade
economic growth
International trade
the specialization of goods.
International trade
the types of goods and services available around



1. encourages

2. encourages

3. increases


Given that international trade is a term that describes the exchange of commodities, including capital, goods, and services across various international borders or territories, thereby given the countries involved business and market advantages.

The advantages of international trade are tremendous. From the available options, it can be concluded that:

1. International trade ENCOURAGES economic growth

2. International trade ENCOURAGES the specialization of goods.

3. International trade INCREASES the types of goods and services available around.

what happens if the protagontist doesnt have a name


A protagonist without a name is often awkward to write, and certainly awkward to think or speak about.Answer:


Which question should you ask yourself about your audience?
What do they know about the topic?
What values do they believe to be important?
Where will my audience be reading this?
All of the above



what values do they believe to be important

3. Convent the following into Indirect Speech :
HOB-Now where is your husband, mistress ?
MARY: In his bed. He is sick, and weary. You would not harm him !
HOB: We are going to smash his evil work to pieces. Where is the machine ?



Hob asked Mary where her husband was.

Mary replied that he was in his bed, sick and weary and Hob would not dare harm him.

Hob replied and told Mary that her husband's evil work would be smashed to pieces, then asked where the machine was.


Direct speech is done when words of a speaker are directly quoted, while in indirect speech, (also known as reported speech), the words are repeated, but from a third person point of view.

a- Rosa Parks
b- Medgar Evans
c- Ella Barker
d- Thurgood Marshall



D. Thurgood Marshall


After founding the NAACP Legal Defense Fund in 1940, Marshall became the key strategist in the effort to end racial segregation, in particular meticulously challenging Plessy v. Ferguson, the Court-sanctioned legal doctrine that called for “separate but equal” structures for white and blacks.

Source: naacpldf.org

How can we tell other to not vape???



I really don't think you can actually tell someone to stop doing it, they're just going to realize at one point that it's killing them slowly.

How does public policy affect our everyday lives? What kinds of controls are in place to ensure the safety of our water? Food? Communities? What about schools—what controls are in place to ensure quality? Explore the role of government in our everyday lives.


Public policy is important in stimulating and developing the economy. For example, a free public college education can pay back in dividends through a long-term stimulus. ... Through equal distribution of the profits, there is an opportunity for money to be put back into the economy through consumer spending.

100 points for whoever answers this question.

Which sentence provides the best clue to Kim's perspective on her father's death in Seedfolks?

The candles and the incense sticks, lit the day before to mark his death anniversary, had burned out.
After the evening feast, past midnight, I'd been wakened by my mother's crying.
I had no such memories to cry over.
All his life in Vietnam my father had been a farmer.


Answer: Kim stood in front of the family altar to pray to her dad. She was sad because he died before she was born. Wanted to know what his dad looked like. He died she was born.



I had no such memories to cry over. C


Who is "Araby" about or who is involved in "Araby"?



"Araby" is about a young boy in Ireland obsessed with the girl living across the street.

When the young girl mentions how badly she wants to attend a certain bazaar, he sees an opportunity to win her heart by attending the bazaar himself and bringing her back a gift.



The narrator, an unnamed boy, describes the North Dublin street on which his house is located. He thinks about the priest who died in the house before his family moved in and the games that he and his friends played in the street. He recalls how they would run through the back lanes of the houses and hide in the shadows when they reached the street again, hoping to avoid people in the neighborhood, particularly the boy’s uncle or the sister of his friend Mangan. The sister often comes to the front of their house to call the brother, a moment that the narrator savors.

Every day begins for this narrator with such glimpses of Mangan’s sister. He places himself in the front room of his house so he can see her leave her house, and then he rushes out to walk behind her quietly until finally passing her. The narrator and Mangan’s sister talk little, but she is always in his thoughts. He thinks about her when he accompanies his aunt to do food shopping on Saturday evening in the busy marketplace and when he sits in the back room of his house alone. The narrator’s infatuation is so intense that he fears he will never gather the courage to speak with the girl and express his feelings.

One morning, Mangan’s sister asks the narrator if he plans to go to Araby, a Dublin bazaar. She notes that she cannot attend, as she has already committed to attend a retreat with her school. Having recovered from the shock of the conversation, the narrator offers to bring her something from the bazaar. This brief meeting launches the narrator into a period of eager, restless waiting and fidgety tension in anticipation of the bazaar. He cannot focus in school. He finds the lessons tedious, and they distract him from thinking about Mangan’s sister.

On the morning of the bazaar the narrator reminds his uncle that he plans to attend the event so that the uncle will return home early and provide train fare. Yet dinner passes and a guest visits, but the uncle does not return. The narrator impatiently endures the time passing, until at 9p.m. the uncle finally returns, unbothered that he has forgotten about the narrator’s plans. Reciting the epigram “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” the uncle gives the narrator the money and asks him if he knows the poem “The Arab’s Farewell to his Steed.” The narrator leaves just as his uncle begins to recite the lines, and, thanks to eternally slow trains, arrives at the bazaar just before 10p.m., when it is starting to close down. He approaches one stall that is still open, but buys nothing, feeling unwanted by the woman watching over the goods. With no purchase for Mangan’s sister, the narrator stands angrily in the deserted bazaar as the lights go out.


hope this helped, and if this is worthy, mark this as brainliest please ;)

"“This case is as simple as black and white.”"
How is this case literally about black and white?How is this case black and white, figuratively speaking?



The members of the jury do indeed see the case as black and white, but not in the sense that Atticus means it. Their understanding is much more literal; a black man has been accused of raping and beating a white woman, and in this neck of the woods, that's tantamount to a conviction.

figurativly It is easy to tell the difference between the colors black and white, just like it is easy to tell that Tom Robinson is not guilty


Do humans need to change their actions in order to sustain the natural environment?



I would say yes because If we have plastic in the oceon,cutting down trees, killing animals. Then Future genarations  won't be able to see the tigers elephants and the other animals that we have now. In order for humans to change is if we stop using plastic or just  reuses clothes, plastic,shoes,paper.


Select the correct answer.
A commercial that compares dry skin to a desert is using which literary device?
metaphorical language
literal language



The correct answer is option C: metaphorical language. A metaphor is generally understood as an allusion or figure of speech in which a word or group of words is applied to another word or an action or image to which it would not be literally applicable.

A commercial that compares dry skin to a desert is using metaphorical language device. So, the correct option is C.

What is Metaphor?

A metaphor is a phrase that, for the sake of rhetorical effect, addresses a single topic while simultaneously addressing another. It could offer clarification or reveal unnoticed connections between two dissimilar ideas.

"A term or phrase used it to describe some one else, in a manner which differs from its typical use, in order to illustrate that the two objects share the same attributes and to make the description more effective," is the definition of a metaphor according to the dictionary.

Generally speaking, a metaphor is an allusion or expression in which a term, phrase, or set of words is used to describe something that it would not be appropriate to use in its literal sense. A metaphorical language technique is being used in an advertisement that compares dry skin to a desert.

Therefore, the correct option is C.

Learn more about Metaphor, here:




New York state is one of only two in the U.S. that automatically arrests and tries 16- to 17-year-olds as adults.


What i dont get what ur saying

Can someone give me a example of a compare and contrast, please be specific



Can a hero and a villain ever be alike? Strangely, it would seem like the answer to that question would be no. However, when it comes to Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter, the two are more alike than you realize. Comparing and contrasting these two unique characters based on their destinies, families, and friends can show you how Harry and Draco have more in common than one might think.  

You can’t control your fate. The truth of these words for Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy drive the paths of their lives. However, how each different boy’s fate unfolds is what makes one considered the hero and the other a villain. Harry Potter is destined to be the “Chosen One”. He did not choose this destiny, but it was thrown on him as a child because of how events unfolded for his family. On the other hand, Draco Malfoy has family expectations of siding with and supporting the death eaters because of his father’s affiliation. Failure to follow Voldemort could lead to not only his death but that of his family.

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