Match each term with the phrase that best defines it
balanced budget
amounts removed from gross income
to pay for taxes and other expenses
expenses that are optional
one in which expenditures are equal to
money earned
to use money in a way that will
increase its value in the future


Answer 1


Invest ~to use money...

Withholdings~ amount removed...

Balanced budget~ one in which

Discretionary~ expenses that are optional


Got correct answers

Answer 2

Balanced Budget- Expenditures are equal to money earned

Invest- Use of money in a way that will increase its value in the future

Withholding- Amounts removed from gross income to pay for taxes and other expenses

Discretionary- Expenses that are optional

What is Balanced Budget?

A balanced budget is a financial planning or the budgeting process where total expected revenues are equal to total planned spending.

This term is most frequently applied to public sector (government) budgeting.

A budget can also be considered balanced in hindsight after a full year's worth of revenues and expenses have been incurred and recorded.

What is Investment?

Investment means investing an asset to attain an increase in value over a period of time. Investment requires using present asset, such as time, money, or effort.

In finance, the purpose of investing is to generate a return from the invested asset which may consist of a gain (profit) or a loss realized from the sale of a property or an investment, unrealized capital appreciation (or depreciation), or investment income such as dividends, interest, or rental income, or a combination of capital gain and income.

The return may also include currency gains or losses due to changes in the foreign currency exchange rates.

Investors generally expect higher returns from riskier investments. When a low-risk investment is made, the return is also generally low. Similarly, high risk comes with a chance of high returns.

Investors are often advised to diversify their portfolio as it will be helpful in reducing the risk.


Withholding is the portion of an employee's wages that is not included in their paycheck but is instead remitted directly to the federal, state, or local tax authorities.

Withholding reduces the amount of tax employees must pay when they submit their annual tax returns. The employee's income, marital status, number of dependents, and number of jobs all determine the amount withheld.


A discretionary expense is a cost that a business or household can survive without, if necessary.

Discretionary expenses are often defined as nonessential spending. This means a business or household is still able to maintain itself even if all discretionary consumer spending stops.

To learn more about Balanced Budget here


Related Questions

Paragraph 2:
1. What cases refer to student rights in school?
2. What was the decision made in Tinker vs. Des Moines?
3. What was the decision made in Hazelwood vs. Kuhlmeier?
Paragraph 3:
1. What cases refer to rights of the accused?
2. What was the decision made in Gideon vs. Wainwright?
3. What was the decision made in Miranda vs. Arizona?
4. What was the decision made in In Re Gault?
Paragraph 4:
1. What cases refer to rights of citizens found in the 14th amendment?
2. What decision refer to Plessy vs. Ferguson?
3. What cases overturns Plessy vs. Ferguson?
4. What was the decision made in Brown vs. Board of Education?
Paragraph 5:
1. What Presidential cases has the Supreme Court reviewed?
2. What was the decision made in United States vs. Nixon?
3. What was the decision made in Bush vs. Gore?



putting the learns at the center




The answer is units of local government


There are four main types of local government- counties, municipalities (cities and town), special districts, and school districts. Counties are the largest units of local government, numbering about 8,000 nationwide. They provide many of the same services provided by cities.

Look at this link for more info:,same%20services%20provided%20by%20cities.

It’s units of local government

Name 1 CRIME SCENE factor that affects the validity of eyewitness testimony.



The race of the witness/victim compared to the race of the aggressor is a significant factor in assessing the accuracy of eyewitness identification. Even biological factors, such as age, race, and gender.


Memory reconstruction. It is a common misconception that the human memory works like a video recording, allowing people to replay events in their minds just as they occurred. ..

Which document prohibited Americans from fighting in the war between Great Britain and France?



The diplomatic neutrality of the United States


In one or two sentences, describe the disadvantages of not having a budget.


If you don’t have a budget, you don’t have a plan
Like Thomas Jefferson once said, “never spend your money before you have it”.
Budgeting is important because it keeps you on track but also gives you a goal if you want to expand your budget...
Hope this helped?
Brainliest? Maybe... please..?

The disadvantage of not having a budget include a dearth of savings, diminished financial stability, reckless spending, a greater chance of incurring debt, and increased financial worry.

What do you mean by budget?

In a budget, planned expenses are expressed along with suggestions for how to fund them.

A budget can show a surplus of resources for later use or a shortfall where expenses are greater than revenue or other resources.

All of your financial objectives are solely speculative without a budget. The first step in setting aside money for the significant items you need to save for is to create a budget.

Therefore, the disadvantage of not having a budget include a dearth of savings, diminished financial stability, reckless spending, a greater chance of incurring debt, and increased financial worry.

To know more about the budget, visit:


Name 2 SUSPECT factors that affect the validity of eyewitness testimony.



Lineup issues. ...

Visual characteristics


*lineup issues

Witnesses are often asked to identify suspects through lineups, both physical and photographs.

*visual characteristics

Often, witnesses base their identifications off a suspect’s defining features or characteristics.

what kind of vote is used to decide the president !!



a candidate must receive a majority of electoral votes. im pretty sure.


(sorry if not correct.)

The president gets chosen by a electoral vote.


3. What does Mr. Abt mean when he says, "Urban violence is sticky”?



By sticky, Mr. Abt means that it is like glue and constantly draws members in and once you start these crimes thinking its low rank, its harder to seperate from.


Hope this helps :)

Mr. Abt uses the word "sticky" to describe how it constantly attracts members in and makes it difficult to leave once you start committing crimes while believing that you are a low rank.

What is urban violence?

Urban violence seems to exist everywhere: in concrete inner cities and dusty border towns, in large informal settlements and private gated communities, in busy demonstrations and busy alleyways, in rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods and abandoned places, in futuristic business districts and leafy residential streets.

However, the urbanization of violence is a worldwide issue. In general, the rise in urban violence is a response to changing global and subnational demographics, increasing urban inequality, and increasingly volatile political conditions in developing countries.

For more information about urban violence refer to the link:


Why is it important to gather facts before you evaluate or judge something or someone?



It is always important to collect facts, data and information so as not to fall into errors of judgment regarding other people or situations, which give a flawed look regarding those. Thus, it is always necessary to have the information that allows you to correctly evaluate and assess what is perceived, so that you can get the best experience and benefit from it.



um is there a word bank

you can use ?

1. Tax Law is a source of

Labour Law
Public Law
"Procedural law
O International Law



either 1 or 2.... hmmm I say just guess but 1 or 2

Answer: the answer is Labor law


True or false ? : Suspension is a positive form of punishment that Youth Court uses very


True I’m pretty sure

Congress writes an emergency bill to give money to help victims of the tornado. This is an example of?


Answer:  State and local emergency fund management


2. Why does urban violence matter?



Urban violence's primary reason that it matters is that it causes more death than any other cause of violence in the united states.  Another reason that it's important is that we can make a difference and stop some of it.

Explanation: I watched the TED Talk.

Since it results in more fatalities than any other form of violence in the United States, urban violence is particularly important. We have the power to change things and stop some of them, which is another reason why it's vital.

How should we control urban violence?

Understanding this is the first step in adopting a fresh strategy. A new strategy that empowers those who are most vulnerable to and affected by violence to challenge and address the systemic causes of violence as well as manage and regulate the daily violence. Additionally, conflict is moving from rural to urban regions at an increasing rate, and the emphasis has shifted from "fragile states" to "fragile cities."

In metropolitan areas, where poverty, inequality, and violence are all intertwined, more than half of the world's population currently resides. It's time for fresh perspectives and more pertinent, original, and useful solutions.

For more information about Urban Violence refer to the link:


What did Anuradha Koirala do?​




Anuradha Koirala (born 14 April 1949) is a Nepalese social activist and the founder of Maiti Nepal – a non-profit organization in Nepal, dedicated to helping victims of sex trafficking.

Differentiate between sources of the law?


Answer: constitutions state and federal...


discuss what you would do to get elected to the RCL ​



I'll do anthing that is needed to get elected to the RCL ​


Identify each of the following drugs.


O Inhalant
O Narcotic
O Stimulant
O Depressant
O Hallucinogen


the correct answer is a stimulant

what is the meaning of presidency​



A presidency is an administration or the executive, the collective administrative and governmental entity that exists around an office of president of a state or nation.

Example : the office of president

Does anyone know about or how to get emancipated I would really appreciate any information or any personal experience shared. thank you.



(Might differ in different states!)


Generally :

You have the right to seek emancipation if you are ;

o 16 years old (I've also heard 14) ,

o live apart from you parents,

o are capable of financially supporting yourself,


You will have to show you have an income and that it is enough to take care of yourself, such as ;

o pay for rent,

o groceries,

o transportation,

o a cell phone,


Cost Wise :

Minor emancipation laws vary by state, but most state courts charge a filing fee of between $150 and $200. You must file the petition with the court and notify your parents or legal guardians (required by most states). Then the court will schedule a hearing.


Privileges :

It gives teenagers full legal capacity, including certain rights and duties usually reserved for adults. Therefore, emancipated minors can;

o sue their parents for support,

o make a will,

o sign a lease,

o buy, rent, sell, or take out a mortgage,

o can keep any and all income they earn,

o can make any and all healthcare decisions for themselves,


Disadvantages :

Becoming emancipated is like turning 18. You are considered an adult who is responsible for your own care, support, liabilities, and contractual obligations. While still an unemancipated minor, you are protected from certain legal actions against you, such as enforcement of contracts.


School :

For all practical purposes, once you're emancipated, you're completely on your own. ... Moreover, even if you're emancipated, you can't simply quit school. State laws vary, but typically a child can't drop out of school before age 16 and sometimes age 18. Those rules still apply to emancipated minors.


I got most of this off the internet. I'm not sure if all of this applies to every state. I forgot to add but you need parental consent since you are still a minor!

Hope this helps.

(Do your own research, especially on the disadvantages. If you're thinking about getting emancipated, make sure you doing it for all the correct reasons. I've thought about it, but it was just because of somethings that were going on, that were resolved a while later. <33 Good luck.)

in the plessy vs. ferguson , do you agree with the decision of the case? explain why or why not

pls helppppppp its a summary law​



I do not agree with the decision of the case. The "separate but equal" was a lie. The blacks were still separate, and not equal at all.  


Essential Question of the Case:

Is Louisiana's law requiring racial segregation on its trains an unconstitutional violation of the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment?



In 1890, Louisiana passed a law called the Separate Car Act. This law said that railroad companies must provide separate but equal train cars for whites and blacks. Blacks had to sit with blacks and whites had to sit with whites. This act of separating people based on race is called segregation. Anyone who broke this law would have to pay a $25 fine or go to jail for 20 days.


Two groups of people wanted to challenge the constitutionality of the Separate Car Act. A group of black citizens who raised money to reverse the law worked together with the East Louisiana Railroad Company, which sought to end the Act mainly because of business and money reasons. They chose a 30-year-old shoemaker named Homer Plessy, a U.S. citizen who was one-eighth black and a Louisiana resident. On June 7, 1892, Plessy purchased a first-class ticket from New Orleans to Covington, Louisiana and sat in the railroad car for "White" passengers. The railroad officials knew Plessy was coming and arrested him for violating the Separate Car Act.


Plessy argued in court that the Separate Car Act violated the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The Thirteenth Amendment banned slavery and the Fourteenth Amendment requires that the government treat people equally. John Howard Ferguson, the judge hearing the case, had stated in a previous court decision that the Separate Car Act was unconstitutional if applied to trains running outside of Louisiana. In this case, however, he declared that the law was constitutional for trains running within the state and found Plessy guilty. Plessy appealed the case to the Louisiana State Supreme Court, which agreed that the Louisiana law was constitutional. Plessy then took his case, Plessy v. Ferguson, to the U.S. Supreme Court.


Constitutional Principles Related to the Case


Landmark U.S. Supreme Court Case Study

Plessy v. Ferguson | 1896 | Page Two

Decision & Impact

In a 7-1 decision, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Ferguson.  The majority rejected Plessy’s Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendment arguments and instead agreed with the idea of “separate but equal.”  


The majority, in an opinion written by Associate Justice Henry Billings Brown, supported state based racial segregation. The justices based their decision on the idea of “separate but equal;” that separate facilities for blacks and whites did not conflict with the Fourteenth Amendment as long as they were equal. (The phrase, "separate but equal" was not part of the opinion.)


Justice Brown agreed that the 14th amendment intended to establish absolute equality for the races before the law. He identified that the purpose of the Fourteenth Amendment as “enforce[ing] the absolute equality of the two races before the law,” but then argued that “it could not have been intended to abolish [end] distinctions based upon color, or to enforce social…equality.”  According to the Court, the Fourteenth Amendment was only concerned with legal equality, the idea that everyone is equal in the eyes of the law.    


Separate but equal is based on the idea that the facilities are kept in equal condition. However, this was not generally the case. The Plessy v. Ferguson decision impacted public institutions immediately. For example, education funding was often much less for African American schools, than for white schools. TThe Plessy v. Ferguson decision greatly impacted society. The idea of “separate but equal” led to racial segregation and states began creating “separate but equal” spaces in public places. his decision led to places in society that were separate, but not equal.

1. What is NOT a valid explanation of why societies have laws?
ca. Without laws there would be confusion and disorder.
b. All laws are fair.
C. Laws help prevent people from taking advantage of one another.
d. Societies recognize the need to regulate people's conduct.





a. Without laws there would be confusion and disorder.

c. Laws help prevent people from taking advantage of one another.

d. Societies recognize the need to regulate people's conduct.

There isn't really an explanation for it. A,C,D are all valid but not all laws are fair or provide justice.

List and describe the common problems found in police reports


1. Time-consuming reporting demands limit officer visibility

Law enforcement officials recognize and respect the role accurate documentation plays in their job, but today’s reporting processes can be unproductive and labor-intensive. According to a recent national survey of police departments, almost 40% of officers revealed that incident reporting and other documentation tasks can take 3-4 hours to complete, resulting in a quarter of their day dedicated solely to paperwork. This is time officers can’t put toward protecting the communities they serve and can radically limit their visibility. For this reason, many departments attending conferences like IACP will be looking at the new tools available that can help reduce administrative burdens and get officers back to what matters most – protecting and serving the community.

2. Choosing between speed and accuracy

Police paperwork is integral to moving court proceedings along, and can even determine criminal convictions. As such, it’s crucial that police reports and other documents related to proceedings are completed not only quickly, but accurately. As transparency in policing has become a bigger priority in recent years, reporting carries even more importance. The question facing officers, then, is how do they document time-sensitive information, where each detail holds significance, without sacrificing speed or specificity? More and more departments are relying on new solutions, such as voice-powered speech recognition tools, to help officers dictate information in real-time, while the details are still fresh in their mind, resulting in more thorough, accurate reports.

3. Outdated systems lead to officer safety issues and poor ergonomics

In the survey, just over half of the respondents cited dissatisfaction with legacy Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Records Management Systems (RMS) and expressed interest in new solutions to help. Outdated interfaces make these systems difficult to use, plus the effort to navigate them can even cause physical discomfort; hunched over in their patrol cars, officers must twist and turn to type and search for data, often resulting in lower back, wrist and neck pain. More seriously, when officers are operating these systems, they’re forfeiting their situational awareness by being heads-down and not connected to their surroundings, making them more vulnerable to ambush attacks or accidents. It’s not surprising then that many departments continually seek solutions that will help improve safety and not hamper it.

4. Siloed technology delays the sharing of mission-critical information

Current police reporting tools need to be overhauled and innovated. Legacy CAD/RMS systems are siloed, making it a challenge to connect officers and their command staff to vital details. In emergency situations when lives are on the line, this information cannot be held up. Incorporating intelligent voice-powered technologies, like Dragon Law Enforcement, for instance, make it not only more convenient and faster to help search for and document mission-critical information, but for public safety officials, who need to spend the majority of their time attuned with their surroundings, it’s also safer. They can capture, document and share information within the CAD/RMS by voice, all while staying heads-up and situationally aware.

Clearly, officers face many challenges in doing their jobs day-to-day and helping to keep communities safe. Police paperwork shouldn’t be one of them.

Identify each of the following drugs.


O Inhalant
O Stimulant
O Hallucinogen
O Depressant
O Narcotic


oxycodone is a narcotic

Answer only if you know please and thanks. will mark brainliest



I think its C but i dont know





After handling the accounts for a large restaurant for many years, it is discovered that Quinn has slowly embezzled $300,000 into her own
account. Quinn says that she is a decent person but that she had fallen into difficult circumstances and was on the verge of losing her home. She
had access to the restaurant's cash, which she used to make up the shortfall in her own account. What criminal theory does Quinn's behavior fall
Labeling theory
B social disorganization theory
C. differential opportunity theory
D. theory of deviant places



c differential oppertunity theory



C. differential opportunity theory


If the defendant fails to answer a complaint, the judge may decide to issue a _____.
Civil settlement
Default judgment
Summary judgment
None of the above




Default judgment


If the defendant fails to answer the plaintiff's claims or fails to appear at the hearing, the judge may, upon the plaintiff's request, hear and decide the case without hearing the defendant's side. This is called a default judgment.


b. Default judgment

‘Economics is the study of the production and consumption of goods (and services) and the transfer of wealth to produce and obtain those goods.’

Please tell me what this statement is saying in your own words



Economics is the study of the products that are used up. These products include food, water, and health products.  

what is the word for A _________ economy is a market-based system in which the government is involved to some extent.



Market economy


In the One Leg Stand Test, the suspect is asked to ...
A. walk heel to toe, one leg at a time.
B. turn around on one leg.
c. balance on one leg.


Answer:A. walk heel to toe one leg at a time


Other Questions
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