Help me please please help me

Help Me Please Please Help Me


Answer 1


am, are, was, were, be, being, been, is


Answer 2


be, am, is, are, was, were, been, being.

Related Questions

As you search for the best focus and scope for an essay, you zoom in and out of an imaginary map of a topic. Choose a general topic and describe the “map” as it would look from a zoomed out and zoomed in perspective.



From a zoomed out perspective the map would look smalle and the lines on it but look skinny but when you zoom in the lines will be more detailed in you can this see the detail on the map better.


The topic i decided on was “success”  

Zoomed out : the first thing you think of when you think of success if usually money and/or fame

Zoomed in : you realize that the popular idea of success is just surface level. No one thinks about the struggles you go through to get there. No one thinks about the different types of success. For example, you can be poor but successful just as several Nobel Peace prize winners.

The Giver by Lois Lowry
What point of view does the author use in the novel that you chose to read? How does this point of view affect what you know about the characters and the setting(s) in the novel? Is the narration reliable? Use examples from the novel to support your answer.






What point of view does the author use in the novel that you chose to read?

First person

How does this point of view affect what you know about the characters and the setting(s) in the novel?

This doesn't show what Jonas (the main character) thought, or what he believed.

Hope this helps; have a great day!

How is a thesaurus organized?

A. From 1 to 100
B. From A to Z
C. In no specific order
D. From smallest word to largest word





A thesaurus is a reference book it's most likely organized alphabetical.

Comparing and contrasting texts in different forms or genres in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics



The first story & second is a fable because it has a moral or lesson.

The theme is to be a friend then know how to trust to be an enemy then why even try


This is how I interpreted it.

Plz rate my answer & if you have any questions feel free to ask:)

Please help!!! I need it badly!

In "The New Colossus," we discovered that the author used an allusion. In this allusion she references another statue that existed long ago. How is the statue from the allusion different from the statue being described in the poem? Be sure to use evidence from the poem the states how each statue is different from the other.
For this response you need to use the RACE writing strategy.

R- Restate the Question

A- Answer the question

C- Cite evidence from the text. You MUST use an exact quote from the poem to support your answer.

E- Explain the evidence - In this sentence, be sure that you are showing how the two statues are opposite from one another.

Con - Give a conclusion.

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flames the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she

With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” ❖brazen bold; also, literally made of brass

pomp showy displays meant to be impressive

refuse things to be discarded; things considered to have no value

teeming full tempest a violent storm



ooga boga


what does persephony need? this is for an assignment lol



Persephone ate 6 pomegranate seeds from the underworld, she has to spend 6 months there.... So she wants her husband back, Hades, and she wants to be free


Step-by-step Explanation:

Explain what the diagram shows about how d0ped blood is different from normal blood


there are more red blood cells in the the bloodstream


Blood doping rises the amount of hemoglobin in the bloodstream. Hemoglobin is an oxygen -carrying protein in the blood. So rising hemoglobin allows higher amounts of oxygen to reach and charge an athlete’s muscles. This can develop strength and performance, particularly in long-distance events, such as running and cycling. Whereas a red blood cell count in a normal blood would be around:
Men- 4.0 to 5.9 x 10*12/L
Women- 3.8 to 5.2 x 10*12/L


Blood doping is an illicit method of developing athletic performance by artificially boosting the blood’s ability to bring more oxygen to muscles.
The three vastly used types of blood doping are:
Blood transfusions
Injections of erythropoietin (EPO)
Injections of synthetic oxygen carriers
Blood transfusions: Transfusions are given to patients who undergo from low red blood cell counts caused by anemia, kidney failure, blood loss due to injury or surgery and other conditions or treatments.
EPO injections: EPO is a hormone assembled by the kidney. It regulates the body’s production of RBCs. Athletes using EPO do so to stimulate their bodies to produce higher than normal amounts of RBCs to improve performance.
Synthetic oxygen carriers: These are chemicals that have the capability to carry oxygen. It is used when a patient is in need of  blood transfusion. Athletes use synthetic oxygen carriers to achieve the same performance-improving effects of other types of blood doping; increased oxygen in the blood that helps fuel muscles.
To know more click the link below
call me a freak if you want to, but there's no way I'm deleting this.


i mean ok, im not gonna go to the link incase its something i want to bleach my eyes out after i see

if your reading this remember to drink water :)


What is it-


What is your leadership philosophy? What are the top characteristics of an exemplary student leader?


Leaders are people that are humble, smart wise and kind to me. Those are just some characteristics to me. (Please write in your own words).

Which letter represents a Maritime Tropical air mass. (picture)


d does.
ehshsjansoskdjejajejejsbfhrjsjsjfhrsjrjr it’s not long enough srry


it is D


because the air pressure is closer to the ocean!

Can somebody tell me what they did in the own words please I need these right now bourbon triumvirate ?


The term Bourbon Triumvirate refers to Georgia's three most powerful and prominent politicians of the post-Reconstruction era: Joseph E. Brown, Alfred H. Colquitt, and John B. Gordon. This trio practically held a lock on the state's U.S. Senate seats and governor's office from 1872 to 1890: Brown as senator from 1880 until 1890; Colquitt as governor from 1876 through 1882, and as senator from 1883 until 1894; and Gordon as senator from 1872 until 1880, governor from 1886 until 1890, and senator again from 1891 until 1897. The political careers of all three men benefited from their service during the Civil War (1861-65); Brown had served as the governor of Confederate Georgia, and Colquitt and Gordon had both risen to the rank of major general in the Confederate army by the war's end.

Political and Economic Interests

Joseph E. Brown

Joseph E. Brown

Colquitt, one of the state's leading planters, cast himself as a representative of the interests of the old planter class, while Brown, an industrialist who became one of Georgia's first millionaires, represented the New South businessmen. Gordon had a mixed record as a businessman and a worse record as a planter, but Gordon excelled at espousing the New South rhetoric of commercial and industrial development by shrewdly exploiting the Lost Cause of the Confederacy.

All three men had extensive interests in the railroad and coal-mining industries, among other commercial pursuits. All three championed white supremacy; a frugal state government that demanded little of taxpayers, and accordingly provided few services; and the maintenance of subservient labor forces on farms and in factories. Gordon and especially Brown both made use of convict labor in their industrial enterprises.

What THEME is most clearly suggested by Natalie Babbitt through the Tucks’ experiences? Tuck Everlasting

A It is better to work together than to try to achieve something on your own.
B Living forever is a treasure that would be a completely positive experience.
C Becoming immortal would disrupt the natural stages of the cycle of life.
D Good friends are just as important as your natural family.


C. I took this test before. Don't sweat it! As long as you read, and maybe have the book with you to help! I hope you do great!

Create a report on any artist. Should be at least 200 words. It should be organized like this.



yea what he said


Explain why authors use dialect when they write.



To Express themselves to the audience from their point of view

The use of dialect may be a potent technique for authors to help their characters come to life. A writer may utilize dialect in addition to accent to highlight a character's distinctive speech pattern.

What is dialect?

The terms "dialect" can be used to describe one of two clearly separate categories of linguistic phenomena. One usage alludes to a dialect of a language that is unique to a certain group of its speakers.

According to this concept, a language's dialects or varieties are closely linked and, despite their variations, are typically mutually understandable, especially if they are located close to one another on the dialect continuum.

The phrase is most frequently used to describe regional speech patterns, but other characteristics, such social status or ethnicity, may also be used to identify a dialect.

A dialect that is connected to a specific social class is known as a sociolect, while a dialect that is connected to a specific ethnic group is known as an ethnolect.

Learn more about dialect, here


Which writing style is most similar to an oratory?

fictional writing
informational writing
poetic writing
argumentative writing



argumentative writing

i.d.k  how i got this so hope its right tell me if i got right anyways tell me if i got it wrong.




A. Fictional writing Depends on for whom you're doing the oration. BUT! IN GENERAL ARGUMENTATIVE WRITING is called oration.

who does persephone fear? i need this for an assignment lol.



Persephone was scared of Pirithous

Answer:ersephone was scared of Pirithous and stabbed him with a pencil, when she stood up against Hades in the clearing, when she stood up to Hades in the Underworld, when she learned self-defense, when she opened her mind on purpose to Boreas's dreamwalking after Melissa was taken.


This question involves the short story “A Retrieved Reformation”

Explain the important decision Ralph Spencer has to make at the end of the story. What did he decide to do? We’re the consequences of that decisions what he expected?


as I believe ralph spencer is the old policeman I think so,

the important decision Ralph Spencer decides to make at the end of a retrieved Reformation helps show us the readers that he saw Jimmy now and he realized that Jimmy had been a changed man since the last time he saw him and then he realized to just like leave him alone because he was in a better place I guess and he's changed and he realized that Jimmy had used his old past behaviors that werent used for good and now he used it for something good you know ?

Write a essay analyzing each author’s purpose for writing the stories is our gain our loss and Screen time can mess with the body’s clock



I dont have time to write an essay but here this might be helpful.

An author's purpose is his reason for or intent in writing. An author's purpose may be to amuse the reader, to persuade the reader, to inform the reader, or to satirize a condition.

Exposure to the light of day and darkness of night keeps its timing set to a roughly 24-hour cycle. ... Scientists long have known that light at night can disrupt that internal clock. And it does so by suppressing melatonin. This prevents the body from getting the message that bedtime is near


decide what kind of essay to write.

brainstorm your topic.

research the topic.

choose a writing style.

develop a thesis.

outline your essay.

write your essay.

edit your writing to check spelling and grammar

HURRY TIMED!!!!!!!!!!!! 50 POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oamara is researching the effects of screen time on children’s ability to pay attention. Which resources would be the most likely to have useful information? an encyclopedia entry about the history of television the blog of a middle-school student who loves video games an interview with someone who has taught fourth grade for 27 years a periodical describing recent research regarding TV time and school performance


Answer: I think it might be D

Explanation: seems like the right one

Answer:  D


I took the test

What should the title of these two poems be? The best one will get brainliest :)
Please be creative and don't answer if you're doing it for points, or I will report.
1) Cherry blossoms bloom
From the month of March to June
A gift from Japan
2) There once was a man named Larry
His legs were really quite hairy
He fell on some tape
And tried to escape
And now his legs are quite scary



1) A gift from japan

2) Larry's scary hairy legs


1. Japan’s Blossoms

2. Hairy Larry

Answer asp plssss
How does the information in the nasa article best add to readers understanding of team moon
•It gives the reader a better sense of complex problem-solving taking place at Mission control
• it gives the reader a more detailed sense of the intense emotions being so admission admission mission control
• it gives the reader a better sense of how the lunar model which prepare for Apollo 11 space flight
• they gave us a reader a more factual overview of the Apollo 11 space flight from start to finish



It gives the reader a more detailed sense of how the lunar model which prepare for Apollo 11 space flight

Well judging by the fact we can’t read the article cause you don’t have it listed I’d say d

Based on the details in chapter 26, what can the reader infer about why Mr. Cavor’s last message is incomplete?

Mr. Cavor has decided to remain on the moon.
Mr. Cavor does not want to share his discovery with Bedford.
The world of the Selenites has been destroyed.
The Grand Lunar has stopped him from communicating.



The Grand Lunar has stopped him from communicating.

I got this correct!

Present an argument on a topic related to fairness, equality, and justice.



I would do the 2nd amendment or about Trump and Biden


2nd amendment is your answer or the one including trump and biden

how do I start an essay about the affects of parents arguing around their kids



You should start it by making an introduction to the topic


i would start like this, “ it is no secret that parents sometimes fight. the question is posed, what are the affects of them fighting around their kids. parents fighting can cause mental health problems in children. these problems can have life long affects. toxic interactions in the home are a problem.”

50 points and Brainliest!

Write a conclusion for this essay without using "to conclude" or any similar phrases.

Ahh, 1933. Native American children chasing chickens, the sweet smell of wheat on the air, and- a giant dam? The Grand Coulee dam left an enormous impact. Whether it was a negative or a positive impact, we're going to find out.
While dams are a great way to decrease the use of fossil fuels, construction leaves a massive negative impact. For example, the Grand Coulee Dam made salmon unable to migrate downriver to lay their eggs, thus forcing salmon to overpopulate or die out in that area. Another negative impact on the environment was getting materials to build the dam. I mean, those 12 million cubic yards of concrete had to come from somewhere.
Another notable impact was the death count. Seventy-seven workers died while building the Grand Coulee Dam, and it took eight years to construct it. Even though the 1930s were called the Great Depression, I'm sure these people still had a lot to live for, and these families must have been sorry to see them go.
While there were many negative impacts, the dam still helped society in many ways. For example, it still provides more than twenty-one billion kilowatts of electricity each year, and the energy is clean. Meaning, it doesn't pollute the air or the water.
The environment was also affected healthily. All that extra water helps trees and undergrowth, along with fish and land animals. Crops were also healthier and the economy grew. The dam also provided the power needed to make aluminum, which helped during World War II.


……………………………………………and finally the war of Europe came to an end

Well, son, I’ll tell you:
Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.
It’s had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor

But all the time
I’se been a-climbin’ on,
And reachin’ landin’s,
And turnin’ corners,
And sometimes goin’ in the dark
Where there ain’t been no light.
So boy, don’t you turn back.
Don’t you set down on the steps
‘Cause you finds it’s kinder hard.
Don’t you fall now —
For I’se still goin’, honey,
I’se still climbin’,
And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.

Thank you!



The answer is D because she is telling her son not to give up and that is the whole main idea of the story.


the first one because that's the first sentence of the poem


i think it's the first one bc that's was the poem is about

paragraph on MY thoughts on MLK day





Answer:Martin Luther King Jr. was an African-American leader in the U.S. He lost his life while performing a peaceful protest for the betterment of blacks in America. His real name was Michael King Jr. He completed his studies and attained a Ph.D. After that, he joined the American Civil Right Movement. He was among one of the great men who dedicated their life for the community.


Help me please please help me





The answer is calmed.

What is a characteristic of a credible source?

A. written anonymously

B. published by an academic institution

C. full of facts and statistics

D. published in books





If it's written anonymously, it could be a joke

If it's written by an academic institution, it could be factual

If it's full of facts and/or statistics, there's evidence to believe it

This last one doesn't make sense to me lol

Hopefully this helped, have an amazing day <3

C , because the comment can’t be biased and if you didn’t exactly know who wrote the passage the person wouldn’t get offended

What does Leslie do during class when shes looking so angelic (Bridge to Terabithia)


Answer: because she is in a new class


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Individual bottles of water are filled by a machine at a factory with an amount of water that is approximately normal with a mean of 505\,\text{mL}505mL505, start text, m, L, end text and a standard deviation of 10\,\text{mL}10mL10, start text, m, L, end text. A random sample of 161616 bottles is selected for a quality inspection. What is the probability that the mean amount of water in these 161616 bottles \bar x x x, with, \bar, on top is within 5\,\text{mL}5mL5, start text, m, L, end text of the population mean? PLEASEE I NEED THIS ASAP!! ILL MAKE U THE BRAINLESTAmerican industrialist were seen in a more positive light than industrialists in Britain . This is most because? Algae produce food by the process of....? Question asksThere are 11 red balls numbered from 5 to 15 and 11 green balls number from 7 to 17 in a bag. What is the probability of drawing a ball with an even number on it? How did the cultivation described in the source mostinfluence the building of economic interactions between the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire?A.Silk was used as a form of currency for Roman soldiersB.Chinese merchants demanded protection from European tradersC.Silk became an important trade good in Chinese commerce with RomeD.Chinese merchants sold silkworms to European nobles wanting to produce silk The experience of mestizos in colonial Mexico is MOST comparable to which of the following?(A) The experience of Greek slaves in the Roman Empire.(B) The experience of serfs in Russia.(C) The experience of Jews in early modern Europe.(D) The experience of Hindus in the Mughal Empire In what ways does the struggle for freedom change with history can anyone pls tell me how to write "thi" in katakana? (eg:- thin) Solve for y. Round to the nearest tenth, if necessary. What is the BEST reason that producers are the most numerous group in an ecosystem? 12) The angle of depression of a wire attached from the top of a pole to a stake in the ground is 52 degrees If the pole is 62 feet in length, what is the length of the wire to nearest tenth of a foot? Explain the positive and negative aspects of entrepreneurship. Draw evidence to support your claim from two other sources. 1. El permetro de la figura que se muestra es:a. 10x2+20y+8b. 19x2+16y+16c. 19x2+20y+16d. 19x2+20y+8 The boxer bunched his fingers into a fist and hit the bag as hard as he could.1. YESNOThe farmer placed a bunch of grapes on the table.2. YESNOThe florist bunched together a spray of roses to fit into the vase.3. YESNOA bunch of kids raced down the beach and dove into the waves with their boogieboards.4. YESNOThe Brady Bunch was a popular television show in the 70's.5. YESNOAt the karate demonstration, the instructor bunched his fingers together and brokethe block of wood.6. YESNOThe blankets were bunched up at the foot of the bed. Write the equation of the line parallel to y = 4 /5x + 4/5 that passes through the point ( -6,6). Highlight the vague word or phrase in the thesis statement below.Group projects are not a useful way to test anything.Submit answer HELP AS SOON AS YOU CAN PLEASE ILL GIVE BRAINLIEST WHEN I CAN Are the following triangles similar? Show all work and/or explanations. If so, state the reason (SSS,SAS,AA) 8. It takes Emory 3 hours to plant 12 flowers. How long should it take her to plant 40 flowers? HELP ME PLEASEEEEEEEE