The main difference between a chest and a bounce pass is what?


Answer 1

Answer: The main difference between the three is the mode of transmission. The chest pass is straight through the air towards your teammate. While the bounce pass is directed toward the ground and then at your teammate. Finally, the overhead pass is projected high in the air to avoid defenders.


Answer 2


The main difference is: the chest pass is straight through the air towards your teammate. While the bounce pass is directed toward the ground and then at your teammate.

The secondary main difference is the amount of power from the ball recived from the person reciving

Related Questions

Identify two technologies that can be used to find the locations of objects. Identify the type or types of waves each
technology uses.


GPS is a technology that finds objects and uses radio waves
X-rays use electromagnetic waves

Velocity tells us not only how fast something is going, but in what direction it is traveling.






because I tride it

If a person walks 3 m north and 5 meters east, how would you find the displacement for that person? what would the displacement be?​





What is The first stage in cellular respiration, what cycle?



What is The first stage in cellular respiration, what cycle?


In glycolysis, the beginning process of all types of cellular respiration, two molecules of ATP are used to attach 2 phosphate groups to a glucose molecule, which is broken down into 2 separate 3-carbon PGAL molecules. PGAL releases electrons and hydrogen ions to the electron carrier molecule NADP+.

What are the 4 stages of cellular respiration?It has four stages known as glycolysis, Link reaction, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain. This produces ATP which supplies the energy that cells need to do work.

Physics gravity question, Please help


Answer: 2.7 x10^-4 N

Explanation: 6.674 ×10^-11 × 1000 x 1000 divided by 0.5 squared.

A 12.0 V storage battery is connected to three
resistors, 4.75, 14.0 and 21.0, respectively. The resistors are joined in series.

(a)Calculate the equivalent resistance.
(b)What is the current in the circuit?
Answer in units of A.


(a).  The equivalent resistance of a series circuit is the SUM of the individual resistances in the circuit.

(4.75Ω + 15Ω + 21Ω )  =  39.75Ω

(b). Current = (voltage) / (resistance)

Current = (12 v) / (39.75Ω)

Current = 0.302 Amperes (rounded to the nearest MilliAmpere))

Which of the following is a contact force?









because magnetic attracted other magnetic by pulling them contact forcely that creates a strong force when they are nearly close to one another

A student plans to determine the resistivity of a specific type of metal. To do this, the student will use wires constructed of the metal with known dimensions that are connected to a variable power source. The potential difference across and the current through each wire are measured and the resistance of each is calculated. The resistance is used to determine the resistivity. Which of the following should be kept constant to ensure that the resistivity values are consistent, and why?

a. The potential difference across the wires, because then only the currents will be different.
b. The currents in the wires, because then only the resistances will be different.
c. The lengths of the wires, because the resistivity changes with length.
d. The temperature of the wires, because resistivity changes with temperature.



reviewing the different answers, the correct one is d


In the experiment to determine the resistivity of the wires, the student should use the relationship

         R = ρ L / A

         ρ = R A/L

in the statement they indicate that the difference that potential and current are measured, calculating the resistances from Ohm's law

         V = i R

          R = V / i

As resistivity is a property of the material that depends on the temperature, great care must be taken that the resistors do not change the temperature during the experiment, as this alters the resistivity value.

When reviewing the different answers, the correct one is d

4. A train starts its journey and accelerates at 5 ms 2. How long does it take for it to reach a velocity of 100 ms??



20 seconds


20 seconds !!! Plug in and use a calculator on gooooglee

How do you label a bar graph of work compared with power?​



You must label the horizontal axis with the names of the airlines and the vertical axis with the number of flights. The title must clearly state what data the bar chart is showing. With larger numbers, your scale may not go up by one.


You must label the horizontal axis with the names of the airlines and the vertical axis with the number of flights. The title must clearly state what data the bar chart is showing. With larger numbers, your scale may not go up by one.


can you help me please?

Compare and contrast Albert Einstein and Karl Popper regarding their views on the nature and philosophy of science. Use the key concepts of each to explain their views. Consider how they begin their accounts, the arguments they make to support their views, and their key conclusions.



Well Albert Einstein is more smarter PERIOD


In a mass spectrometer, a specific velocity can be selected from a distribution by injecting charged particles between a set of plates with a constant electric field between them and a magnetic field across them (perpendicular to the direction of particle travel). If the fields are tuned exactly right, only particles of a specific velocity will pass through this region undeflected. Consider such a velocity selector in a mass spectrometer with a 0.105 T magnetic field.
Part (a) What electric field strength, in volts per meter, is needed to select a speed of 3.8 × 106 m/s?
Part (b) What is the voltage, in kilovolts, between the plates if they are separated by 0.75 cm?



a).[tex]$3.99 \times 10^5 \ v/m$[/tex]

b). 2.9925 kV


Given :

For mass spectrometer

The magnetic field = B

B = 0.105 T

a).  Given speed, v = [tex]$3.8 \times 10^6 \ m/s$[/tex]

We known


∴ [tex]$E= 3.8 \times 10^6 \times 0.105$[/tex]

      [tex]$=3.99 \times 10^5 \ v/m$[/tex]

b). Now spectrometer, d = 0.75 cm

                                      [tex]$d=0.75 \times 10^{-2} \ m$[/tex]

We known


[tex]$V = E\times d$[/tex]

[tex]$V = 3.99 \times 10^5 \times 0.75 \times 10^{-2}$[/tex]

[tex]$V = 2.9925 \times 10^3 \ V$[/tex]

   = 2.9925 kV


Which of the following best describes the location of the
Above the crust
Between the crust and the lithosphere
Between the crust and the core
Beneath the core



The mantle exists above the crust of the earth

What happens when a moving object experiences no net force?



An object with no net forces acting on it which is initially at rest will remain at rest. If it is moving, it will continue to move in a straight line with constant velocity. Forces are "pushes" or "pulls" on the object, and forces, like velocity and acceleration are vector quantities.

Why are dominant alleles always shown as capital letters?​



When writing a genotype, the dominant allele is usually represented by a capital letter, while the recessive allele has a lowercase letter.


Please mark me brainlest.


Because in a punnett square, dominant alleles need to be differentiated from the recessive alleles, to do this, we write the dominant alleles as capital letters.



3. Let's say we have 3 kg of iron at 100 C, and it touches a 15kg iron at 20 C. Explain what is going to happen in detail in terms of internal energy, temperature, and heat. (you can explain it with just words)



one of the mjor effects of heat transfer is temperature change


simple answer

As dancers twirl faster and faster around their partners, they are demonstrating what type of energy?
A. Binding energy,
B. Nuclear energy,
C. Kinetic energy,


Your answer would be Kinetic energy

why type of volcano is built almost entirely from ejected lava fragments



Shield volcanoes


When you are driving on the freeway and following the car in front of you, how close is too close? Let's do an estimation.
1. Pick a car model (preferably the one you drive, but can also be any car of your dream), and find its stopping distance at highway speeds (you can usually find this type of data online).
2. Assuming that the car in front of you suddenly does a hard brake. For simplicity, assume that its braking performance is about the same as yours. Then also assume a reasonable amount of reaction time on your part (the time delay between seeing the brake lights lit up and applying your own brake). In order for you not to run into the car your are following, what's the closest distance you need to keep between the two cars?
3. Redo the same calculation if the vehicle in front of you is a typical big-rig truck. Find its braking data online.
4. There is a rule of thumb which says that you must stay one car length behind the car in front of you for every 10 mi/h of driving speed. From your calculation, does this rule make sense?



1) v= 90km/h  d = 70 m,  2)  x₁ = v t_r,  x₁ = 6.25 m, 3) x₁=6.25 no change

4) x = 22 m


1) for the first part, you are asked to find the minimum safety distance with the vehicle in front

The internet is searched for the stopping distance for two typical speeds on the highway

v (km/ h)      v (m/s)      d (m)

90                  25           70

100                 27.78      84

the safe distance is this distance plus the distance traveled during the person's reaction time, which can be calculated with infirm movement

              v = x / t_r

               x₁ = v t_r

the average reaction time is t_r = 0.25s for a visual stimulus and t_r 0.17 for an auditory stimulus

therefore the safe distance is

              x_total = x₁ + d

2) The distance is the sum of the distance traveled in the reaction

              x₁ = v t_r

for v = 90 km / h

              x₁ = 25 0.25

              x₁ = 6.25 m

for v = 100 km / h

              x₁ = 27.78 0.25

              x₁ = 6.95 m

the total distance is

               x_total = x₁ + d

for v = 90 km / h

             x_total = 25 0.25 + 70

             x_total = 76.25 m

this is the distance until the cars stop and do not collide

3) the stopping distance of a truck is

   v = 90 km / h       d = 100 m

in this case we see that the braking distance is much higher,

the safe distance is given by the distance traveled during the reaction, as the truck brakes slower than the car this distance does not change

4) let's analyze the empirical rule: maintain the length of a car for each increase in speed of v = 10 m / h = 4.47 m / s

for the car case at v = 90km / h = 25 m / s

according to this rule we must this to

           x = 25 / 4.47 = 5.6 cars

each modern car is about 4 m long so the distance is

           x = 22 m

we see that this distance is much greater than the reaction  distance so it does not make much sense

How does the amplitude of the wave change as you get farther from the speaker?



The sound is perceived as louder if the amplitude increases, and softer if the amplitude decreases. ... As the amplitude of the sound wave increases, the intensity of the sound increases. Sounds with higher intensities are perceived to be louder.

Object A is moving due east, while object B is moving due north. They collide and stick together in a completely inelastic collision. Momentum is conserved. Object A has a mass of m A = 17.0 kg and an initial velocity of v 0A = 8.00 m/s, due east. Object B, however has a mass of m B = 29.0 kg and an initial velocity of v 0B = 5.00 m/s, due north. Find the magnitude and direction of the total momentum of the two-object system after the collision.



pf = 198.8 kg*m/s

θ = 46.8º N of E.


Since total momentum is conserved, and momentum is a vector, the components of the momentum along two axes perpendicular each other must be conserved too.If we call the positive x- axis to the W-E direction, and the positive y-axis to the S-N direction, we can write the following equation for the initial momentum along the x-axis:

       [tex]p_{ox} = p_{oAx} + p_{oBx} (1)[/tex]

We can do exactly the same for the initial momentum along the y-axis:

       [tex]p_{oy} = p_{oAy} + p_{oBy} (2)[/tex]

The final momentum along the x-axis, since the collision is inelastic and both objects stick together after the collision, can be written as follows:

       [tex]p_{fx} = (m_{A} + m_{B} ) * v_{fx} (3)[/tex]

We can repeat the process for the y-axis, as follows:

       [tex]p_{fy} = (m_{A} + m_{B} ) * v_{fy} (4)[/tex]

Since (1) is equal to (3), replacing for the givens, and since p₀Bₓ = 0, we can solve for vfₓ as follows:

       [tex]v_{fx} = \frac{p_{oAx}}{(m_{A}+ m_{B)}} = \frac{m_{A}*v_{oAx} }{(m_{A}+ m_{B)}} =\frac{17.0kg*8.00m/s}{46.0kg} = 2.96 m/s (5)[/tex]

In the same way, we can find the component of the final momentum along the y-axis, as follows:

       [tex]v_{fy} = \frac{p_{oBy}}{(m_{A}+ m_{B)}} = \frac{m_{B}*v_{oBy} }{(m_{A}+ m_{B)}} =\frac{29.0kg*5.00m/s}{46.0kg} = 3.15 m/s (6)[/tex]

With the values of vfx and vfy, we can find the magnitude of the final speed of the two-object system, applying the Pythagorean Theorem, as follows:

      [tex]v_{f} = \sqrt{v_{fx} ^{2} + v_{fy} ^{2}} = \sqrt{(2.96m/s)^{2} + (3.15m/s)^{2}} = 4.32 m/s (7)[/tex]

The magnitude of the final total momentum is just the product of the combined mass of both objects times the magnitude of the final speed:

       [tex]p_{f} = (m_{A} + m_{B})* v_{f} = 46 kg * 4.32 m/s = 198.8 kg*m/s (8)[/tex]

Finally, the angle that the final momentum vector makes with the positive x-axis, is the same that the final velocity vector makes with it.We can find this angle applying the definition of tangent of an angle, as follows:

       [tex]tg \theta = \frac{v_{fy}}{v_{fx}} = \frac{3.15 m/s}{2.96m/s} = 1.06 (9)[/tex]

       ⇒ θ = tg⁻¹ (1.06) = 46.8º N of E




rocks are vertical.


I'm so sorry if I'm wrong this is what I think

The definition of horizontal is
Parallel to the plane of the horizontal

Help please, i am lost.



nas wr hdrtuendnetyje because


An object is moving with constant non-zero velocity. Which of thw following statements about it must be true



The net force on the object is zero.


An object is moving with constant non-zero velocity. If velocity is constant, it means that the change in velocity is equal to 0. As a result, acceleration of the object is equal to 0. Net force is the product of mass and acceleration. Hence, the correct option is (d) "The net force on the object is zero".

When a rocket is 4 kilometers high, it is moving vertically upward at a speed of 400 kilometers per hour. At that instant, how fast is the angle of elevation of the rocket increasing, as seen by an observer on the ground 5 kilometers from the launching pad



The angle of elevation of the rocket is increasing at a rate of 48.780º per second.


Geometrically speaking, the distance between the rocket and the observer ([tex]r[/tex]), measured in kilometers, can be represented by a right triangle:

[tex]r = \sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}}[/tex] (1)


[tex]x[/tex] - Horizontal distance between the rocket and the observer, measured in kilometers.

[tex]y[/tex] - Vertical distance between the rocket and the observer, measured in kilometers.

The angle of elevation of the rocket ([tex]\theta[/tex]), measured in sexagesimal degrees, is defined by the following trigonometric relation:

[tex]\tan \theta = \frac{y}{x}[/tex] (2)

If we know that [tex]x = 5\,km[/tex], then the expression is:

[tex]\tan \theta = \frac{y}{5}[/tex]

And the rate of change of this angle is determined by derivatives:

[tex]\sec^{2}\theta \cdot \dot \theta = \frac{1}{5}\cdot \dot y[/tex]

[tex]\frac{\dot \theta}{\cos^{2}\theta} = \frac{\dot y}{5}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{\dot \theta\cdot (25+y^{2})}{25} = \frac{\dot y}{5}[/tex]

[tex]\dot \theta = \frac{5\cdot \dot y}{25+y^{2}}[/tex]


[tex]\dot \theta[/tex] - Rate of change of the angle of elevation, measured in sexagesimal degrees.

[tex]\dot y[/tex] - Vertical speed of the rocket, measured in kilometers per hour.

If we know that [tex]y = 4\,km[/tex] and [tex]\dot y = 400\,\frac{km}{h}[/tex], then the rate of change of the angle of elevation is:

[tex]\dot \theta = 48.780\,\frac{\circ}{s}[/tex]

The angle of elevation of the rocket is increasing at a rate of 48.780º per second.

Your teacher then challenges you to use the items in the envelope to create a model of a carbon-14 atom. Before you begin, you and your
group brainstorm ideas for creating your model. Your group suggests the following steps:
use 6 red circles for the nucleus of the atom
use 14 red circles for the nucleus of the atom
add 6 blue circles to the nucleus of the atom
add 8 blue circles to the nucleus of the atom
place 14 yellow circles around the nucleus of the atom
place 6 yellow circles around the nucleus of the atom
Which of the following steps should you follow to create a correct model of a Carbon-14 atom?
O A. steps 1,4,6
O B. steps 1, 3,5
o c. steps 2, 3, 6
O D. steps 2,4,5



Look it up


We need to use 6 red circles as well as 8 blue circles to represent the 6 protons and 8 neutrons in the nucleus, after which we need to place 6 yellow circles around the nucleus to represent the 6 electrons in the atom. is required. Thus, the correct option is A.

How to create a Carbon-14 atom?

To make an accurate model of a carbon-14 atom, we need to follow the steps that represent the correct number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in a carbon-14 atom.

Carbon-14 has 6 protons and 8 neutrons, so we will use a total of 6 red and 8 blue circles around the nucleus which also has 6 electrons, so we need to put 6 yellow circles around the nucleus.

The correct steps to follow to create a model of a Carbon-14 atom are:

Step 1:  Use 6 red circles for the nucleus of the atom

Step 4: Add 8 blue circles to the nucleus of the atom

Step 6:  Place 6 yellow circles around the nucleus of the atom

Thus, the correct option is A.

Learn more about Carbon-14 atom, here:


Plsss I want answer???



s=136.89/2g meter

s=6.98 meter (correct to 3 sig.fig. taking g=9.81ms^-2)


u= + 11.7 ms^-1

a= - g ms^-2

At highest point: v=0ms^-1



s=136.89/2g meters

I'm asking for a quick favor. I'm trying to understand an equation that has to do with Projectile motion, Bernoulli's principle, and Magnus Effect. Basically focused on understanding air resistance on a projectile. I would like to discuss this privately rather than have it on this public forum. I'll give you 100 of my points if you help.



Projectile motion, Bernoulli's principle, and Magnus Effect.

Sure I would be happy to discuss projectile motion!

I'll do it if you mark brainliest :) I need the points thanks

A physics student sits in a chair. The chair pushes up on the student's body. Identify the other force of the interaction force pair.



The other force is the weight of the student.


With respect to Newton's third law of motion, for the student to sit and balance on the chair, there must be two equal and opposite forces involved. The student applies his/ her weight on the chair which acts downwards, while the chair applies an equal but opposite force to the weight of the student.

The force applied by the chair on the student's body is counter balanced by the student's weight. Note that, if the weight of the student is greater than the opposing force from the chair, the chair would collapse.

What us a magnetic domain?​


magnetic domain is a region within a magnetic material in which the magnetization is in a uniform direction. This means that the individual magnetic moments of the atoms are aligned with one another and they point in the same direction.

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